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+94 votes
I followed a terrible diet where I consumed less than 700 calories a day, and now I'm worried about gaining the weight back. How can I avoid regaining the weight?
by (4.5k points)

10 Answers

+122 votes
Best answer
Start with eating a bunch of vegetables and fruits. Don't drink pop, instead have some healthy orange juice or something pertaining to nutrition.and have some sort of meat..and that should just about do it. I wish I could actually GAIN some weight. *tear* its no fair.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
OK, go for a heart healthy diet. You need protein because you exercise. You can look into the Mediterranean diet. Emphasis is on vegetables. Meat is only eaten a couple time a week. has some info under lifestyle about diet. Another one is, diets for diabetes and heart patients are beneficial. NEVER do the 700 calorie diet. You can damage your heart and increase your risk of heart attack.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Slowly add calories back. This will slow up the weight loss without gaining weight. if you start gaining then you reduce you calorie intake.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
start slow eat good food dont eat fatty foods.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Just eat healthy, and not too much of it. No McD, Burger Rey, Jack en la caja, nothing, nada. Eat chicken, fish, with veggies and fruits, you know, all that good stuff. No candy on the days you work.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Don't focus on "weight" per se, focus on maintaining or building muscle while burning fat. 700 calories is starvation, your body will hold on to every calory it can, ie FAT. You need to read this book about how to burn fat and keep muscle :
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
eat three balanced meals a day.. don't snack a lot.. continue running and lifting.. you will be fine.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
same thing happened 2 me i started eating only some veggies and maybe some meat 1 in a while and went from 176 2 130 pounds(im 5'6} and then i became bulimic cus i couldnt control it anymore.. now im 103 pounds. my advice? try 2 stick 2 low crb foods and try 2 stop the purging as fast as u can i thought i could stop whenever i wanted. now its been 2 years and i binge/purge 3/4 times a day. stop b4 its 2 late!!!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You need to see a Doc, hun. Sounds to me like Anorexia Athletica- . . Def.. Symptoms of anorexia athletica include:. · Exercising beyond the requirements for good health. · Being fanatical about weight and diet. · Stealing time from work, school, and relationships to exercise. · Focusing on challenge and forgetting that physical activity can be fun. · Defining self-worth in terms of performance. · Rarely or never being satisfied with athletic achievements. · Always pushing on to the next challenge. · Justifying excessive behaviour by defining self as an athlete or insisting that their behaviour is healthy. . This disorder is most often recognized in competitive athletes, but it can affect anyone with a preoccupation with weight and/or diet.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Watch what you eat like reading what is in the food you are about to eat! You can also exercise every day! GOOD LUCK!
by (4.4k points)