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+46 votes
What is the concept of lean thinking?
by (4.3k points)

7 Answers

+54 votes
Best answer
Lean thinking is a powerful model of the competitive organisation that is based on a common sense approach to management, combining processes of continuous improvement and the integration of entire supply chains.. . In the setting of a hospital this would include,. . simple solutions to problems, improving communication through the hospital so that all can improve, and integration of supply chains (eg drugs from suppliers to hospital floors)
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
It began with manufacturing and since has migrated into other industries and soon into office environments.. . In manufacturing, every aspect of building something changed dramatically. From moving workstations to create a more orderly flow and eliminate unnecessary steps, to having raw materials arrive at the moment they are needed, reducing inventory.. . Check it out at:. .
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
except for the first smarty pants, lean thinking has a lot of definitions based on its use, and the user, so you might want to research the term. there's a magazine called advanced manufacturing that might give you some good ideas in addition to what people already posted. . in a hospital setting, you could minimize the time people wait in the waiting room, or the time to file paperwork. you could have more efficient response times in treatment and how fast people get in and out. you could apply it to see how you can get more profit, find why people aren't paying, and see if there's any way around that. look at your supply chain and try to minimize it. get rid of your muda (garbage) in your operations such as wasting time and money. try to do things in batches rather than stand alone. . . this really is a very wide topic, so i wish you the best
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Being prepare for the worst.. Tring to lose weight
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Go to web site. It has answers for you.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
It is an idea that minimizes waste in inventory. Inventory will be ordered only as needed, no excess or expired product is to be kept on hand. The system is managed through a Kanban system. If you ask me the main thing hospitals need to work on is their billing system and lack of speed in billing people. Why is I can check out of Disney World and at the time of check up every meal, movie, souvenir and the hotel room is itemized to perfection, but in a hospital where I am stuck in one room in a bed, the bill takes 3 months to get to me and every line reads "miscellaneous".
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I'm thinking it's along the same lines as Lean Manufacturing? Lean Manufacturing streamlines the beginning to end process by having suppliers ship as needed, the manufacturing company produces their parts or what have you, then the product is shipped to the customer all within a set time or better. This reduces the amount of inventory within a plant which allows more part producing machinery to be placed within the company producing the parts. Also applied to the Lean Behaviors is Six Sigma.
by (4.5k points)