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+38 votes
How can I apologize to my parents for my mistake at the party?
by (4.2k points)

14 Answers

+118 votes
Best answer
Talk to your parent's about it and weigh your options.. If you really feel you can not support a baby at this point in your life think about giving it up for adoption. There are many willing family's out there that can't have childern.
by (4.0k points)
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0 votes
Talk to your parents before making any decision. After talking to your parents make an appointment with a counsellor that will be able to help you to look at all of your options. If your parents aren't willing to talk to you talk to another family member who is older and that you trust. Do not make any sudden decisions that you may regret for the rest of your life.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I'm really glad that you think it's a good idea to talk with your parents about this even though you know it's going to be hard. Some young women don't have that as an option. The best way is just to tell them. If you think that one might freak out, it might be best to tell the other one first then both of you break it to the one who might take it badly.. You don't seem to want an abortion. I'm glad to hear that. Think about adoption.. There are a couple of more things. First, no cigarettes, alcohol or drugs. You have to think about the baby now. It's not just you. Second get some folic acid tablets and start taking one a day. It can help prevent a malformed spine in the baby. It's better if you had already been taking it, but it can't hurt to start now.. Good luck to you. And tell your parents. It may be hard for them to hear it, but the longer you wait the more likely they are to figure out something's wrong. It's better all around if it comes from you.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Talk with your parents and if you belong to a church talk to the pastor if you feel it will help.. You might also consider adoption - speak with a family counselor. Your parents will be more supportive than you mihgt think right now.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
First off you need to let your parents know, second think about you options long and hard think them over with your parents. You need to know what your parent have to say about this, your a adult but I'm guessing you live at home still. Aborting the fetus is harsh but if the life you have planned for this baby doesn't look so happy. You can think about adoption there is a family out there in need of a baby to love. Abortions cost money and if that's something you and your family come about may god be with you . There is know one out there in this world who can judge you nor abortion. You should take better care and thought into yourself so this doesn't ever have to happen to you again, we all make mistakes and we all pay for them at the end.But the best out come is a lesson learned. Take care Good Luck
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
If you had unprotected sex having an unplanned pregnancy might not be your only problem. 1.Get tested ASAP for Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2.Tell you parents. They are going to find out. 3.There are many people out there who might want your baby. Try the LDS or Mormon church they should be able to help you out if you don't want to keep the child or have an abortion. 4.If you know who the father is ask him to take a DNA test. Just remember if you decide to keep your child put the father's name on the birth certificate so he can help pay for the child. 5. Either stop having unprotected sex or use birth control (including condoms)The rest of us taxpapers might not want to want to have to pay for your mistake.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
You don't believe in adoption but you could abort it? Makes absolutely no sense to me! . As you stated in your own post, it is an UNBORN CHILD, aborting it will kill it!!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
You're going to have to face the music and tell your parents about this. It will be difficult, but you can get through it. Abortion does not have to be your only option. You have the power within you to give a childless couple the biggest gift they could ever pray for - your baby. These next few months will be the most emotional time of your life, but killing your child will not make your heart better. It will only make you feel worse about what you have done. Something very good can come out of this mistake in your life. Give your child up for adoption. You are mature enough to realize that you cannot care for your child and that is NOT an admission of failure by any means. You are recognizing that you are responsible for this life while you have been entrusted with it - for the next few months. From there, the most responsible thing you can do is to give it to a couple who cannot have children - a couple that can provide a loving and secure upbringing. I'm praying for you now that you make this choice. You can do this. God is with you.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
If you're going to have an abortion, you need to make sure its something you will be ok with. if you are crying hysterically it doesnt sound like you are ready to deal with having an abortion. 19 really isnt too young to have a baby, and you can find plenty of ways to get support, but please know that if you get an abortion that does not make you a bad person. The choice is all up to you.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
First of all you probablly should tell your parents the truth about what happened. Whatever you do don't get an abortion. An abortion is so bad for your body and mental health. You do not want the guilt of killing an unborn child to haunt you to your grave. Talk to someone....get a plan for raising the child or put them up for adoption. Good luck with your future....I hope everything works out for you.
by (4.1k points)