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+34 votes
What leads to swollen lymph nodes and how can one alleviate them?
by (4.2k points)

13 Answers

0 votes
Swollen lymph nodes are part of the body's immune response to inflection. Generally the swelling indicates you've got a viral infection. It could also be a sign of a bacteria inflection, allergies, and thyroid troubles. If the lumps are larger than an inch, last for more than a couple of days, occur regularly, are extremely painful or your are running a high fever see a doctor.. . There really isn't anything you can do, but treat the condition causing them to swell.. . Note- I am NOT a doctor.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
You need to see your doctor right away. Your doctor will have to run blood work that can determine what the problem is and treat you accordingly. There are different things that cause swollen lymph nodes. I hope you feel better soon. Taz
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
colds the flu and chicken pox. they will go away about a week after the infection is gone.
by (4.2k points)