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+34 votes
What leads to swollen lymph nodes and how can one alleviate them?
by (4.2k points)

13 Answers

+42 votes
Best answer
They mean your body is fighting off an infection near wherever they are swollen. I get them once in a while in my neck for no reason at all...I mean there wasn't really anyhting wrong with me and it's not like I had just gotten over a cold. Anyways, I don't think you can do anythign to get rid of them. They go away by themselves after a couple days.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Probaby some sort of infection. I was the odd one to go to the doctor and find that I had cancer THyroid, and also had swollen lymph nodes. Get it checked, just to be on the safe side. I am only 34, and at the time I found out I was about 29 and my mother in law begged me to go because she noticed a lump in my neck. If it were not for her getting on me, I would not be here today.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
For some really great in depth and accurate info on lymph nodes - go to wikipedia at: . Basically Lymph Nodes are tiny, bean-shaped components or organs of your lymphatic system and usually appear in clusters located on different areas of your body. Your lymphatic system, moves lymph node fluid like lymph from your blood plasma, including B and T cell lymphotcytes, antigens, antibodies, waste substance, and nutrients throughout your body, bloodstream and tissues. . . Each lymph node is also an important part of your immune system. Your lymph node filters fluids, catching viruses, bacteria, and other unknown materials. Then your unique white blood cells destroy the unwanted materials. . . A lymph node may be found alone or in a group thoughout your body. A group can be felt most easily: . . In the neck (found on either side of the neck, behind your ears, or under your chin). . underarm . In the groin. . Normally, a healthy lymph node is not sensitive or sore. . . A child between the ages of 10 to 12 years old usually has large lymph nodes, which can be twice the normal size. . . Placing a heating pad (on low) or a warm towel on your painful lymph node may reduce the soreness. It may have negative effects so use with caution. . . Typically enlargement is caused by an infection that your lymph node is destroying. . . A slight enlargement and softness means the swollen lymph node is succeeding in the tough battle. It is severely infected when the swollen lymph node enlarges more than 1 inch across. . . If your swollen lymph node is over 2 inches across or the covering skin is pink, unfortunately it is losing in the tough battle. You should contact your health professional immediately. Lymph nodes that are enlarged can actually be occasionally caused by tumors.. . A swollen lymph node not returning to normal size, which is about 1/3 inch across, after a month should be checked by a health professional.. . The following could be some causes of swollen neck lymph nodes as possible symptoms: . . Throat infection . Tonsillitis / swollen tonsil. Ear infection . Skin infection . Hodgkins Disease
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Infection causes this. You have to find the source of and deal with the infection.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Please see the webpage for more details on swollen lymph glands.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
most of the time it is some type of infection go to the doctor and get it checked out fast and in a hurry to make sure it's not something serious
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
when lymph system has traffic jam, i.e. the system gets blocked, local swelling occurs. When immune system swings into action, lymph flow increases. Lymph swelling can be relieved by fomentation, use of ginger, cinamon etc.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
depends on which lymphnodes you're refering to, theres tons all over the body, if you're reffering to the most common, the ones near your tonsils, then just drink green tea and throughout the day dont let anything cold to be consumed, make sure that you gargle with water and salt a couple times a day to cleanse the bacteria thats causing the inflamation of your lymphnodes. time and care is all it takes to take care of those lymph nodes of yours. have fun hehe.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
either an infected scratch or can go to the doctor and they'll prescribe an antibiotic.if the antibiotic doesn't work get ready for surgery
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
i dont know but u need information about.. Check this link:.
by (4.4k points)