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+58 votes
Why does my first urine of the day appear orange and have an unpleasant odor?
by (4.4k points)

24 Answers

0 votes
You might be dehydrated, for one. how much water do you drink? . it might also be a sign of kidney infection/problem.. Or a sign on diet, certain unusual foods might have that affect.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
The more yellowish your pee is, the more dehydrated you are.. You lose a lot of water during the night because of sweating, breathing etc. Hence the dark yellow pee in the morning.. Keep an eye on how yellow your pee is, it should only have a tinge of yellowness to it. Any darker, and you are at risk of dehydration.. Whenever you go to the bathroom, always get in the habit of checking the color of your urine, if it is too yellowish, drink some water. . Otherwise you risk getting headaches, organ damage, migranes, lethargy, dizzy, rapid heartbeat, etc.. If it stays yellow and smelly, and doesn't change after a few days, see your doctor.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Get your urine tested-Urine-routine analysis.(Morning specimen).
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
ewwwwwww you are sick... i cant believe you drink your pee. . If its yellow let it mellow. I wouldnt worry about it.. . dark pee is a good sign that you are healthy. . . dont drink alot of water as it could cause kidney infection.. . stick with sodas , iced tea, and coffee as it wil help your kidneys stay healthy and beautifal. . Im a model and am on a strict diet so I am familiar with these issues. Good luck honey
by (4.4k points)