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+98 votes
How can I repair a damaged VHS tape?
by (4.6k points)

9 Answers

+109 votes
Best answer
There should be screws on the underside of the tape that you can remove in order to open up the cassette. You can try scotch tape to stick the tape back to the reel, but I don't know if it would hold up to rewinding. Maybe find someone who does Video to DVD or Film to VHS/DVD conversions and ask them to repair it.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
take the tape apart removing the screws then like the tapes of old the 8 tracks and cassette tapes reconnect the spool and finish by returning the screws
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
like a broken bottle, the tape is not repairable.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
carefully open the cassette and with an exacto knife trim any rough edges {try not to remove too much} from both sides. Make sure your hands are clean and dry. Use ordinary scotch tape to reconnect the tape. Trim the tape with the exacto knife to make sure that you only use as much as necessary. You are lucky that it broke at the beginning because mine broke in the middle so a couple of frames were lost.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
buy a vhs tape repair kit and follow the instructions. it's easy.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Take it to a video rental store and beg them to splice the tape for you.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Me personally I would not take the tape apart myself unless I knew exactly what I was doing. There are places who fix things like that if you ask around or look in the yellow pages or what not ask a professional what they would consider because if your tape is off the reel now I do not think it is fixable unless professionally repaired. I would also suggest you tell the person who you borrowed it from and tell them exactly what happend so theyre not upset and tell them what you're willing to do to fix it. Good luck in your search I hope I was helpful to you in anyway possible.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You will need to get both ends of the tape out of the cassette so that you can make the repair. There is a small button you can push to "open" the tape just like your VCR does. Once you have the tape drawn from the cassette, make sure both ends are smooth and have no wrinkles in them. You may have to cut off some tape to get to the good part. Then using a good quality adhesive tape, put the ends together and apply the adhesive tape. Then, turn the video tape over, and tape the other side as well. You will notice a little 'blip' when this sections plays, but the rest of the tape will be fine.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
The first answer was correct; now for how take out the screws remove top cover, do not take the tape reel out of the case. On the reel that is empty colored piece of plastic usually red, yellow, or black you will need a pair of small pliers to pull it out remove it and watch the direction that the scrap piece of tape comes out and take the end of the tape and feed it around the outside or the 2 silver pins in the front of the case then insert the end of the tape into empty reel replace colored piece of plastic to hold in place. Replace top holding in place turn over and replace screws. Or you could do as the other guy said an just tape it back to the reel. If the tape is broken trim ends even and tape on the backside (scotch tape).
by (4.7k points)