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+49 votes
How can I change the default ringtone on my RAZR phone?
by (4.4k points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
1st way: go to your menu go to settings got to audio go to which ever audio setting it is on and click details...a list should come up and one says ringer...change it to what ever you want. 2nd way...go to menu then my stuff then go to my sounds go through your the sound with the button above the up arrow and scroll to apply as ringtone.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
It all depends on what type of phone you have and your carrier, I got Alltel and my cellphone has a Axcess Apps on it, that is the only place where I can get ring tones, backgrounds, etc through there, you cant go to those free ring tone websites to get them cause you can only get it through Axcess Apps, If you have Axcess Apps on your phone that is the only place where you can get ring tones. To find out without checking your manual is go to your menu on your cellphone and if there is a icon that says apps then that is Axcess Apps. Hope this helps.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
it depends on what carrier you have most of them have websites were you can login and view your account and you can basically do everything online, for example you can change your billing address, view ur bills, make or Remove downloads from ur computer w/o ever accessing your phone.
by (4.3k points)