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+4 votes
Please provide some interesting facts about the history of cricket
by (4.4k points)

5 Answers

+117 votes
Best answer
Few Historical Facts;. 1. Earlier Cricket test match used to be played for indefinite time unless a result would come out instead of Five days.. 2. On the early stage,there was under arm bowling instead of over arm bowling.There was story of introduction of over arm bowling.Once a lady was playing cricket with few Gentlemen.She was supposed to bowl.But she wore a wide-spread long skirt and could not deliver under arm bowling.She bowled over arm and gave trouble to opponets.After this incident,over arm bowling was introduced and it became popular.. 3.On the early stage there was no restriction on using specified bat.A man,in a match,used a door to save his wicket and made the opponent very frustrated.After this incident,rules were made on the measurement and size of a bat.
by (4.4k points)
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a website that is only for cricket, check out the latest in cricket, also you can post your comments there, post what you like, also please visit the forum, there you can vote for you favorite players, and there is plenty more, check it out, remember you people run this place, so, please tell others about it,
by (4.1k points)
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by (4.2k points)
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by (4.5k points)
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O! O! I know!. . 1. It's a sport origniated in Europe. . 2. they have giant stick things!. . yup- that's the extent of my knowledge! :)
by (4.7k points)