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+75 votes
What are some interesting facts about hamsters?
by (4.4k points)

10 Answers

+44 votes
Best answer
Ive had hamsters since i was six and now im 25. i used to breed teddy hamsters but its high maintenance, now im sticking to one - a male dwarf siberian - quite feisty unlike the larger breeds. Nocturnal animals, they stink if you DONT take care of them. Theyre fun to watch, can be playful, my pet likes to get his nose rubbed a lot, if u tap his nose hes like hypnotized or something and he cant move (same as sharks when you turn their fins). when im sad i just look at them, they are furry clowns, the whole lot of them.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
I ahve harry the hamster on my phone and hes looking for love i think
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
A book would help, but here - . . They are active at night , so you can`t put them in your bedroom (experience) . Need to have fresh food and water daily . . Need yo have proper playtime and socialization with the owner (Or eze way , daily handiling) . In the begining when you 1st get 1 , you may want to get stress pills , the hamster is the most when it comes to getting ajusted to a new cage . . You have to let it get time to get to know you , can`t just pick it up the 1st time you bring it home .. Clean the cage at least once a month . Proper litter and food . . Proper place to put it .. Daily play time , handinling . . OVer , all this may seem a lot , but hamsters are the ezest pets to take care of . THEY DO NOT SMELL !
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
they smell and will keep you awake at night because they constantly try to get out of their cage rattling and rattling the cage oh then they always seem to find a way out what a mess when it comes to finding one my mom had to drill a hole in the wall when the hamster got out an the hamster was pregnant had the babies in the wall and we had to leave them in there cause all we could find was the main hamster I suggest you get a cat
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
The hamster we have at my house escapes out of her cage and "plays" with the cat. Make sure you get a cage that won't be so easy for her to break out of.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
they belong to the RODENTIA family
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I worked at a pet store for quite some time, and if I could tell you one thing about hamsters, it would be this:. . . If you are getting two, make sure they are from the same litter, or come from the same cage at the pet store.. . Otherwise, they are likely to be violent towards each other and one (or both) may end up dead. :(
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
They stink and eat their young all the time. They make good playmates for cats, but only once.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Supplied many pet stores with them for YEARS..... . Great pets! Already answered this question in length before...
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I had one and i'de never have another one again. They sleep in the day, keep you awake at night, and they make a mess as they kick out the sawdust from their cage. They do look cute and it doesn't take alot of looking after.
by (4.3k points)