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+69 votes
What are some interesting facts about Russia, Germany, and Italy?
by (4.6k points)

4 Answers

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I guess we have a big paper due in the morning, do we???
by (4.4k points)
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Russia is only part civilization and is extremely cold most of the time, Russian language is a very armenian like language like da means ya in russian , ha means ya in armenian. Italy is cool
by (4.5k points)
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ookaay here we go: . Russia, according to land mass is the biggest country in the world. at one point (after WW2) it was even a superpower fighting for power against the US. this period is better known as the cold war when the two superpowers crashed due to their diverse ideologies. Russia was the biggest advocate of communism, while the US was of democracy/capitalism. The Russian language is a slavic language, and they write using cyrillic letters. In fact, most countries that were under the influence of Russia, in the day called The Soviet Union speak slavic languages. . Having such a vast landmass that stretches from East Europe all the way to East Asia and the Pacific Ocean , the people of Russia are very diverse. however, they are known for community work and public service, like their underground subways. these subways are perhaps the best looking subways you would ever see..probably a due to the communist ideology. education is very appreciated, as are good manners, ettiquette and so forth. The religion in Russia is Russian Orthodox, which contains a few differences in the dates of holidays and other traditions. look at the sources below, i sited an excellent web site with more details on Russia.. Germany was once a major capital of Europe with its thriving economy, liberal democracy, strict and seriuos working traditions. The German language considered to be one of the least pleasing to the ear, is very different from Russian, but is a little closer to English. it is also very similar to Swedish, Dutch ect. they have, not two, but THREE articles and a very complex grammar.. Germany is a beautiful country, very clean, a bit chilly (especially in the winter)and very green (famous for its black forest). Germans are stereotypically known as cold, not talkative, and very strict people, also known not to overly enjoy the company of foreigners.though they have lots of immigrants, mainly Turkish, East European, some Arabic...Germans themselves are great travellers. being economically stable for the most part, next to asians, they might as well be world's most common tourists. Their kitchen is not very rich, as they dont have the tastiest of vegetables. Their main foods are potatoes.. and the hamburgers and hot-dogs believed to be American..are actually German in origin. Sour krout is another typical dish, with various sausages or wursts, amazing pastries, bread and so on. when drinking, most Germans would prefer beer!!! many would love to visit Germany during its oktoberfest celebration where you see women with bigger biceps than men carrying 5 huge jugs of beer in one hand and 5 in the other. . Italy is perhaps what you could call the 'opposite'of Germany and also very unlike Russia. Where Germans and even . Russians are highly educated, and especially Germans that adopted the American moto of working hard..Italy is a whole other scenario. Italians stick sternly to their 'work to live'rather than 'live to work' philosophy.. and it shows! a very laid back people, gentle and kind, loud, funny, proud (but Italy is something to be proud of). no one can tell an Italian that someone else might have better food, music, actors, looks, movies, clothes, cars, bikes, shoes, monuments-cities, beaches, soccer, coffeee and lots more. for the average Italian, these are best when and ONLY when Italian. however, North and South Italy.. Rome being the dividing point, differ very much. the north is more similar to continental Europe like Germany, while the South can be seen as similar to Africa (ok, a little exaggeration). . Italian is a beautiful language filled with many vowels and soft letters. it is a Latin language, most similar to Spanish, French and portuguese.though if you are visiting italy, maybe it is even more useful to learn their hand signals as they use these extensively when speaking! In the past they had their, more than fair, share of evil leaders (Mussolini and fascism), corruption, which is till
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
i just know that the place there is so beautiful and their languages are so cool.. that's all.
by (4.3k points)