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+22 votes
What is the role of a bail bond in the legal system?
by (4.4k points)

11 Answers

+94 votes
Best answer
It's to guarantee that you won't skip town. If you do, you're out the money that you put up to guarantee the bond...and the bail bondsmen is out his money he put up so now he's going to sic a bounty hunter onto you!
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
bond is supposed to discourage the bondee from skipping out and show up for court so they get their money back.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
The bail bond is usually the assurance or the amount decided by the judge to pay in order for that person in prison to be freed temporarily while he prepares himself/herself for defense. It is usually the 10% of total amount decided by the judge in connection with the gravity of the offense.. A person detained for a certain offense against the law of society cannot be detained indefinitely, the reason why there is a bail bond, or until the suit has been filed. . It is in the judgment of the judge whether to give the detained person a bail bond or not. Have you not observed that in certain cases, the judge does not give a bail bond? This is because the prevailing evidences are strong and that giving a bail bond is not proper.. If in case the person does not show up or is late or does not follow the judge's advise, the bail bond will be taken and in some cases, the person in suit, is put back to jail.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
bond is supposed to be set high enough to discourage the bondee from skipping out. our system still presumes innocence, if you didn't do it, you wouldn't think it right to be held in jail
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It's a bet, a gamble that the person you give the bond to will not skip out on bail. Most people don't, because it just makes matters worse for them when the bounty hunter catched up with them and beats the crap out of them, and the bail bondsman demands his money back. If EVERY person skipped out on bail, there would soon be no more bail bonds services. But in reality, very few actually do.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
It is in the Constitution, so changing it is nearly imposible. The point of them is to keep people out of jail during a trial, as they can take months or years. Trying to keep thiefs away from murderers, who could corrupt them, is in theory a good idea. The problem is it was founded in an age of morals, now we are in an age of technology where people dissapear. Unfoutunatly to not have bonds is consitered unconstitutional, and no one is currently reforming that part of the amendment in Congress.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
The purpose is to insure that the party will show up their court. date. It doesn't always work. If the bail is high enough, you will . have to put up something for security, like your car or house. If. you don't show up, it gets sold.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
When a person's bond is posted, it's basically collateral to ensure the person shows up for his or her court date. If you don't show back up, you don't get your money back. The judge is supposed to set reasonable bond amounts depending on your net worth and income. If a bail bondsman is used, he puts up 90% of the bond (you put up the other 10%) and assumes responsibility for you showing up. If you don't show up, the bounty hunter comes into play. The bondsmen, if they don't do it themselves, will pay the bounty hunter to go find you and bring you in so they can get their deposit back.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Most people don't skip town. It's the law of averages that they are playing. It provides a service that people want (to get out of jail) and others pay them for it.
by (4.4k points)
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go here
by (4.4k points)