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+92 votes
Why is there a negative perception of truck drivers when they play a crucial role in our society?
by (4.2k points)

10 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
I don't have a problem with truck drivers. It's a HARD job to have to drive that many hours each week, be away from their families, deal with the idiots on the road, stay awake and handle a big rig. And with the rising gas prices, they take home less pay because many have to pay for their own diesel. No doubt, without them, our stores would have far fewer selections and prices would be through the roof.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
How do we take advantage of truckers when we go to the store?. . A few bad truckers give the rest a bad name. I was passing one a few days ago and he suddenly swung into my lane, forcing me to the median strip. No warning, no signal, nothing! There wasn't anything in front of him either, he clearly did it deliberately. Then the bastard flipped me off! . . As fate would have it, he got pulled over a few miles down the road.. . Don't give me any grief -- I used to be a trucker myself!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
:-D It's the result of ignorance. (not stupidity.) Most people who don't know a trucker, let alone what's involved with driving a truck, simply have NO IDEA what's goin on with the truck. Most drivers simply see a huge slow object in their way, and never stop to think about anything other than what they need to do to get where they're going. Not needing to think ahead to drive their car, it never occurs to them that a truck driver's reacting to something 1 mile away. They've got a full minute to go before they have to do something.. Another is that many 4wheelers don't realize that while they know every foot of the road they're driving, and if lost, can simply stop anywhere to get directions: A trucker may be 1000's of miles from home, and have no idea about the neighborhood he's driving through. Being able to stop or go anywhere, it never occurs to them that a truck must stay out of certain areas or it'll break things and get irretrievably stuck. It's not an insult, just a fact. I knew as little about the subject as any before I started driving truck. . (GRIN) I'll stop my dissertation now before it becomes a book. Just one thing though........ The flashing lights on one or the other side of the truck are NOT hypnotic devices, or lures for a moth-like mind. It means the dude needs you to get out of the way!! When a big-rig needs to get over, or make a turn, he DESPERATELY needs to do so. People tend to freeze as trucks are intimidating. That's the worst thing one can do....
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
truckers are hot!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
your so right my boyfriend was going to be a trucker.....then he found out he was allergic to meth
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
The problem is that a few bad truckers can ruin the reputation for all others.... it is the same for any occupation that is widely visible (truckers, bus drivers, airline pilots, etc.).. . Some truckers are jerks, while a majority are very professional.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
i personaly think if it could be done and a we as truckers could afford it we should stop moving for 3 days and then everybody that goes to the store and b i t c h s about truckers cuting them off and tailgating can see how much they depend on truckers to get what they need and the little dumbass that made the meth comment to this question should just keep stuff like that to her self WE DO NOT ALL DO DRUGS! AND IT IS NOT A THINKLESS JOB ! and i am glad her boyfriend didnt start driving cause if he is dating here then he is to damn stupid to drive a truck but just like anything else there are bad people out there that give the rest of us a bad name and to hear that stuff poor out of someones mouth like that makes me wish i had never joined the Marine Corps to go fight and maybe die for someone who has no respect like that but i didnt do it for the people like her i did it for everybody else . and SEMPER FI Marine Truckers we will regroupe someday !
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
he didn't mean take advantage as in you are taking something from them. "If you bought it a truck brought it" Its common sense that without trucks we would all be in trouble. everything you have is because a truck driver hauled it. (that's why drivers are always talking about sitting a day). my hubby has been driving for 8 years and i couldn't be prouder of him! Oh and as far as tailgating most of that is people driving to slow when not in the right lane. "Move get outa the way _______ get outa the way" our favorit song.......
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
HUH???? what do you mean by, "when all of us take advantage of them when we go to a store," what does that mean??? i have my own opinions on truckers.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I didn't know people bad mouthed them? Except for when they tail gate us. But they are only trying to hurry to get the loads dropped off so they can get home.
by (4.4k points)