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+112 votes
Why is it often perceived that US black people start many popular trends?
by (4.5k points)

19 Answers

0 votes
The fact of the matter is that most of the trends started by black people are those trends that are popular among black people and uneducated members of other races. I am not trying to come off as some member of the American Nazi party or anything, but all the people I know that listen to rap are not exactly geniuses. As for rock and roll, it does have its roots in gospel, blues, and jazz, among other things, but it has evolved so much over the past 50 years that you can't really say that black people started rock and roll. Again at the risk of sounding racist, I would have to say that all the most influential rock bands have been white. One must make the distinction between rock music and pop music and you will see what I am talking about. Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Neil Young, The Who, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, all of them white. Elvis might have sung quote "black music," but it didn't pick up until a white boy from Tennessee started recording it. As for blues, did you ever hear of a guy named Stevie Ray Vaughn? He was one of the coolest SOB's to ever pick up a guitar and play the blues.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
you're cool just accept and whether white people will admit it or not we all want to be able to have rhythm like you guys. THere is nothing to compare to a black jazz musician. And a black preacher can move a congregation along with a choir. I love it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Ummm... because all the trends you're thinking of are invented by black people? Perhaps it's your demographic?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
all the items you mentioned are only a drop in the ocean sized bucket full of cool things all over the world.. . You really should get out more.. . Based upon this question, the gift must be narrow mindedness...
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Because you rule!
by (4.4k points)
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Come on man. Isn't this question just some kind of reverse racial stereotyping? While I do agree that if it weren't for the African and African-American influence, out society would be very different (and much poorer in my opinion). I hate to think about life without jazz or the blues... but couldn't care less about bling-bling. . Where do you get 90% is what I'm asking?. . What the hell is "WALMARTDIRTY" ? As far as I'm concerned Walmart sucks and rap music sucks. They are both symptoms of the dumbing-down in our society.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Think you could give a source for your so called facts? you racist
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
White guilt...we AI's run into the same thing...Kevin Costner and Dances with Wolves...ha ha ha Lack of their own cultures cause "some" people to imitate or take on/imlutate some elses...tribal tattoos, piercings, etc., belong to which ethnic group? Certainly NOT anglo saxon. The only "culture" they (in general) come from is: Stick a flag in it, and its mine. Ever asked (again, in general) a white person where they come from?, who there folks are?, what ethnicity they are?? Most have no idea!! ... maybe irish, maybe swede, maybe a Cherokee princess....yeah right!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
okay tou are an IDIOT so just because the only TRENDS that you can think of came from black people that means black people are gifted and noone else is PUHLEEZE get out of your little box already and try actually looking at the rest of the world and not just black people I personally think that you will or should see that people of every race are "gifted" in many different areas!!!!!!!!
by (4.2k points)