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+112 votes
Why is it often perceived that US black people start many popular trends?
by (4.5k points)

19 Answers

+64 votes
Best answer
well, apparently you don't start the trend of proper english, you only ruin the culture with the horrible 'music' you call rap and with your slang. We should also include you but I highly doubt you do anything except reap the benefits of your ancestors.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
It would be better if you achieve something of consequence.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Well.......I wouldn't say 90%, and I wouldn't say popular. I would say maybe 40% and I would call it trendy fads.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Well, first of all, that's a completely bull$hit statistic. Popular trends are started in many different ways by many different races. Throughout history, different groups have contributed to the popularity of certain cultural changes. Don't feel special. And don't have a big head about it. Real change comes from the quiet and reserved. Read something about Rosa Parks if you want more insight into passive change. And move on with your life.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Black people have always been trend-setters. They are creative and usually musically talented. I know what you mean, what are we white people doing, copying stuff? : ) Seems silly to me.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
You have got to be the most ignorant person I have ever encountered. Why do none of the “trends” you stated have absolutely anyhing to do with the advancement of the human race? A white guy invented the computer that you are using, oh and a white man invented the electricity that powers your computer. Are those not popular trends? I would think so. Also, “bling bling” and “whats up” are phrases, not words. “Bling bling” probably because saying and spelling jewelry, necklace, watch, earrings or bracelet would be too hard. “Whats up” is an ignorant phrase. For example, . . Black guy: “whats up”. . Me: “The ceiling.”. . You so desperately need an education. There are people and institutions that can help you! Please get an education! I am begging you!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
you just kick a$$. way to go. im white and like black stuff so i see what you mean. i even watch BET but only for the music videos. i never knew you started rock? hmm kool
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
did you do friendship bracelets, neon, seventies hair retro, vote for pedro t shirts, straight as a string hair, friendship pins, rubber bracelets, paperclip wearing, safteypining patches to pants, mohawks, ballroom dancing trend, I think every culture give something that makes a trend. How about people are just cool for who they are you know when a bunch of poeple dress the same way because their fave star does that makes em a sheepole. and their clothes become a uniform!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
because white people like rap, RAP=BLACK thats basically what society says so thats why.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
hey look out for the other cultures, like Spanish speaking people give us alot of our moves too. and white folk help us put that rock and violin into our hip-hop, but we are just gifted in areas like music. it's a very important part of our culture. so we are always up on something. and we are a happy people, comedians at heart i think sometimes, so we are creative and we come up with things. God created us that way, so love it!
by (4.6k points)