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+63 votes
I just bought a food processor, can you suggest some delicious recipes I can try with it?
by (4.6k points)

5 Answers

+62 votes
Best answer
to make guacamole, need avocados, onions, lime, cilantro and salt to taste.. . Juices, choice or combination of oranges, apples, carrots, strawberries, add ice cubes, yoghurt, wheat germ, ginseng, etc.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
you could make a basil pesto you can get the recipe on could also make coleslaw this will make the chopping of your cabbage head a lot easier and much also helpls with the slicing of the carrots if you put them in your coleslaw. you could peel and cut your potatoes in half and set your processor to cut Julian slices of your potatoes to make hash browns...
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Salsa, Guacamole, for starters. :)
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I know this is not a recipe but, I got a food processor and the first time I used it for a bar-be-que, i could have farted sparks!!!! When having a dinner party, bar-be-que, etc., the processor is the most magical thing in the world. Remember to use it for "mundane" tasks. I prep all my veggies (chopped onion, carrot, celery, egg, etc.)Use those little chinese soup containers for the chopped veges for salads. you can do it all in under 5 minutes, they are uniform, and your hands don't smell. Tuna salad is also great in there, you use less mayo and it is magnificent. White chunk tuna, onion, celery, relish, cracked black pepper. Add tuna and mayo last once everything is all chopped up. Have fun. the best part is making stuff up yourself!!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Banana-Mocha Shake . . 3 medium ripe bananas . 2 cups coffee ice cream . 1 cup milk (or 1% Lactaid) . 1/4 cup chocolate syrup . . Process all ingredients in the food processor or a blender for 1 minute or until smooth, stopping to scrape down sides.. . Serve immediately. . . . Takes about 5 minutes to make and serves about 4 people.. . . Oh, also, the food processors usually come with a little recipe book. Make sure you read the material in the package. It'll probably have about 4 or so recipes for you to try. I've made vegetarian soup, salsa, etc.. . Here's a recipe to make guacomole usuing your food processor:
by (4.2k points)