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+31 votes
How did humans evolve on continents that never had apes if humans evolved from apes?
by (4.3k points)

25 Answers

0 votes
migration.. our ancestors used to thrive in Africa but they decided to migrate to other places in the world to find better habitats hence the diversification of races and the dispersion of the human race.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Humans didn't evolve from apes!
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Maybe it was over time
by (3.8k points)
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They didn't evolve on continents that didn't have apes, they all evolved in Africa and went wandering off, using boats, crossing stretches of land that have since become underwater etc. . . And who are all these idiots that claim humans didn't evolve from apes but shared a common ancestor? What do they think we evolved from? Bats? Sheep? Giraffes?. . Of course we evolved from apes, f*ckwits! Apes were around for millions of years before the last common ancestor of chimps and humans appeared. Don't bother arguing, I have a PhD in Zoology.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
humans did not evolve from apes
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Well what happened really was we all were supposed to come from the primordial soup, but God drank it, so what happened instead was some apes evolved to have wings (like the monkeys in Return to Oz I think it was) and flew to the other continents where they evolved into humans with wings of course then what happened after that was that the winged humans tried to fly to the sun, but their wings got burnt off and when they all fell down they landed on different continents.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
The current theory is that humans (himo sapiens) evolved in Africa and then spread out to the different continents. The precursors of humans the austrolopithicus and the other homo species ergaster and habilis showed similar distribution patterns.. . The migration would have been barely perceptible - each new generation of humans would have spread the range a few kilometers. . . In National Geographic March 2006 there is a report on the trail of human DNA around the glove. . From the DNA markers it looks like Humans evolved in East Africa and then spread out from there. They had spread across Africa 150 000 years ago. The quickest route from Africa into Asia and Europe would have been across the Sinai peninsular and about 70 000 years or so ago humans moved into Asia. During the period that humans have been spreading out from Africa there have been ice ages. During an ice age the sea level drops as water is taken out of the the sea and piled up in polar ice caps. (The greenland ice cap is a remmnant of the last ice age) With the drop in sea level land bridges would be created between the other continents. Rivers would dry up and major river mouths would not be the obstacle they are today. Humans also developed boating and fishing skills early on.. . Fossil evidence shows that humans reached Australia 50 000 years ago. The hard evidence of the route they took is probably under the sea that rose after the migration passed through the area. The humans on the Indonesian and other islands, between Australia and Asia, have DNA links to Asia. . . There may have been more than one human migration into North America. North America was populated with the most ferocious carnivores and early humans may not have survived. Once humans reached North America (possibly 20 000 years ago) they would have migrated downwards to South America along the West coast. . . Once humans had populated the continents the fittest survived. Short stocky bodies in cold climates like the inuit to retain heat in the body. Long thin bodies in hot climates to get rid of heat. Various skin colours to resist or help gather ultra violet rays. In malaria areas blood platelets became sickle cells.
by (4.1k points)
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We all evolved from simians based in Africa.. . This was possible because the world used to be one large continent called Gondwanaland ( which gradually shifted apart to create the continents we know today.
by (4.5k points)
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After Humans had evolved enough to work out how to get to other continents they then moved to inhabit the other continents that hadn't been inhabited yet
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Man was created as man and apes as apes. no evolution.
by (4.3k points)