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+46 votes
How can I generate income?
by (4.1k points)

19 Answers

+39 votes
Best answer
It's landscapin' season! Mow some lawns, and don't be afraid of the shovel. Hit up your neighbors, or if you have any family friends that are contractors, work out a deal to be general labor for them. It's hard work, but you can earn some solid cash, and learn useful skills like carpentry.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Mow lawns. Do odd jobs for your neighbors. . . Or, as a last resort, yo could sit on a street corner holding out a hat asking passers by for spare change.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
No such thing as quick cash. That's standard talk for lazy.. . At 14 years old, you should get a job. I honestly suggest it be a very labour intensive one... with fairly crappy pay. Why? Because you will realize that school is important and that quick cash is lazy and a job. You will also learn that there is a big difference between a job and a career. And although, you might think it's cool to hang out with the other people doing that job, etc... you will realize, that you are 14 years old and that people actually LIVE off of the money you are making. And some have kids to feed, etc.... . At 14, you should be looking for life lessons (I suggest the hardest route possible)... not quick cash.. . Best job I got was at 14 years old, washing dishes at Red Lobster... had the nicest 60 year old man from india that taught me how to do the job. I cleaned toilets and washed tables, etc... Had enough money to keep me happy.. . I realized, that I needed a thinking man's job... actually, eventually a career... and there is no better time to start that thinking than at 14 years old. So I focused my jobs into one arena from that point onward ( in my case, computers), finished school, went to university (all the while, getting jobs and experience in computers).. . Coming out of University, with 8 yrs of experience in computers (not selling crap at best buy), gets you to the top, very quickly. And, you got there going up the ladder, instead of coming out of university expecting that you deserve a job because you went to university... You have an appreciation for the hard labour jobs out there and just how hard people work for a living.. . Of course, you don't have to go to university to succeed. It sure does help though. Best of luck.... . P.S. If I had a chance to hire that 60 year old (he's probably 75+ now), I would do it in a heart beat. Hardest worker I've ever met.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Lemonade stand in the midlle of JUly in the middle of a busy city
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
i'm 14 too high school is not that hard i'm gonna be a sophomore next year. the essays stuff depends on the teacher. but u have to be prepared. well u can offer friends or family to clean their car watch their kids if they have any. and they can pay u i do that when i'm broke and my parents don't want to give me money. that's an advice is up to u if u want to do that.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
How about babysitting; washing cars, you could ask your neighbors if you could do errands/chores for them - mow their lawns, etc., garage sale -- unfortunately, nothing in this world is free ---- but you can make some money if you are willing to work!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Mow lawns this summer,hire yourself out....get a paper route...look around there are some summer jobs out there that'll get u some cash.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
At a local resturaunt, waiting or behind the register.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Sell clean urine down at the methadone clinic.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
do some lawn work around your neighborhood. find people that need you to do chores. babysit. ask your parents for the loan and make a payment agreement. don't be in such a rush, most all schools have computers in the library for students, wait for a deal to get that Dell.
by (4.4k points)