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+84 votes
How can one effectively deal with laziness or procrastination?
by (4.0k points)

13 Answers

0 votes
Don't read email, don't yahoo, don't SMS, don't watch TV. In other words, don't do all the things you do that distract you. Easier said than done!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Just like the commercial. Just Do It. Stop thinking of what you have to do and do it.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Find yourself a hobby. Or better yet several hobbies. Sports, shopping, anything you can enjoy doing. Once you find the one you like, make it a routine to do it. If you find yourself getting bored again, find something else to do. But whatever you do, don't quit. If all else fails, go to your neighborhood liquor store and you'll usually find a bum asking for spare change. THAT could be YOU in the future. If that doesn't motivate you, you're in trouble...
by (4.5k points)