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+47 votes
How can I inform my boyfriend that I've been diagnosed with chlamydia?
by (4.4k points)

27 Answers

+56 votes
Best answer
Leave him alone, don't infect him with your mistakes. No wonder this country has a problem with STD's.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
there is no way out of this one, just tell him you have the STD and if he asks how you got it, just tell him you were unfaithful. Don't tell him who, what, where and when. That will only make it harder on him. Just tell him to go to the DR. and get the meds. If he has a big heart maybe he will forgive you, but if he did this to you - would you forgive him. Put yourself in his shoes. Sucks, doesn't it?!?!?!?!!!!???!?!? Just be honest. And remember if you slept with him after you took the medicine - all you did was get the STD back from him. Be more careful next time. This is probably Kharma coming back to haunt you, you did a bad thing now a bad thing is happening to you. GO FIGURE and GOOD LUCK
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Er... this is an awkward answer to attempt, but I guess a solution has to be found. There is no way to escape this "telling" without your conscience taking a worse beating. . . What you may try to figure out is how to go about doing it. You know him best. Speak at a time when he is receptive. Even better, if he knows that there is something on your mind that you are very worried about. Speak carefully, don't assign blame anywhere..... just state the facts and reach out for help in figuring a course of action.. . He may get angry and accuse. I guess he would feel hurt. Accept that it has been done, but you are terribly repentant about it too and you know it even if he doesn't say it when he is agitated. So stick with yourself too and keep the focus on the handling of the situation together rather than letting him get into the mode of figuring out for himself.. . Make sure he understands and tell him too, that this is a really terrible moment for you, but you want to tell him for his safety too above anything you may have to face. Show him that you need him by your side.. . Good Luck! Hoping things work out well.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
If you love him you will tell him. You have to. You have to tell everyone you have had sex with no matter what the outcome. Good luck girl.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You're going to have to come out and tell him the 100% truth. He's gonna be mad, but as you know, he has a right to be. Hopefully you can work thru it. Just remember to be 100% honest! Best of luck to you!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Tell him just the way you told us, be completely honest no matter what he asks and expect the worse. Guys are not as forgiving as women are, but you have to tell him so he can get treated also. It was a big mistake, but its done and you can't undo it just be honest.. And to tell you the truth, once someone cheats on thier significant other, nothing is ever the same, ever.........Good Luck
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
you have to tell him. he can spread it to other people and he need medical attention. i know its hard but u have to tell him.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
its over. If I were you a would tell him over the phone. Nevermind tell him in person, because he is likely to slap the hell out of you and you deserve it. You could have killed him (and you) you're lucky it was just chlamydia
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I'm sure there's no easy way. You just have to sit him down, tell him and hope he can forgive you.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
You are going to have to just suck it up and tell him. You HAVE to tell him. He will find out soon enough via his own symptoms. Tell him that you understand he might want to end it, but you felt that his health is more important than your feelings. Which, it is. You have to remember that. If you are truly remorseful, and he is a forgiving man, you might get lucky, but the thought that you could have attracted a more severe, potentially fatal std, might never leave his mind. Regardless, take accountability and confess.
by (4.3k points)