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+81 votes
Why do some alexandrite colors change from green to red and others from blue to green?
by (4.3k points)

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
It has to do with the depth of the stone when found in the mine. Blue to green would be from a specimen closer to the surface and the green to red is buried deeper within the earth. Of course light plays a roll in the color prism of the alexandrites.
by (4.4k points)
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The most sensational feature about this stone, however, is its surprising ability to change its colour. Green or bluish-green in daylight, alexandrite turns a soft shade of red, purplish-red or raspberry red in incandescent light. This unique optical characteristic makes it one of the most valuable gemstones of all, especially in fine qualities.. . Alexandrite is very scarce: this is due to its chemical composition. It is basically a chrysoberyl, a mineral consisting of colourless or yellow transparent chrysoberyl, chrysoberyl cat’s eye and colour-changing alexandrite (also in cat’s eye varieties). It differs from other chrysoberyls in that it not only contains iron and titanium, but also chromium as a major impurity. And it is this very element which accounts for the spectacular colour change. Rarely, vanadium may also play a part. According to CIBJO nomenclature, only chrysoberyls displaying a distinct change of colour may be termed alexandrite.
by (3.9k points)
0 votes
it's cycle of living organisms that was created for beauty
by (4.5k points)