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+31 votes
How can I begin my journey as a witch or wiccan?
by (4.4k points)

6 Answers

+113 votes
Best answer
Be different from the norm and have a dark side. OK, you're weired.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
don't become a witch--become a Christian and do good. There are no white witches, no matter what they say. No witch may inherit eternal life in Christ. That means there is no going to heaven for witches.. . Ask Christ into your heart and He will come and save you from your sins. Do you have a local pastor you can talk to?
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Go buy a dark outfit (robe) and go to the city Salem and ask afew witch pals and bingo, u r officially a witch...oh, and buy wicca books and other witch stuff.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
if you gonna take the time to become a witch, turn into a good witch. No need to practice weird witchcraft and cults of crazy and such. You want to be able to work miracles and catch them as well-- everyday. And even put spells on people. But if you aint gonna be a nice witch, it is not worth pursuing. I have the biggest and most important remedy. Live with a cat for one year or more, anycat. But sleep with the cat everyday (most everyday) Inevitably and naturally you will learn alot. In the end you will have that power, even interact with spirits of people in your life. You will be able to someday create your own art of witchcraft. And yes telepathy also. Get the cat and make her your good friend.. Astrology has nothing todo with this. Find a book on herbs and healing oils, its good to know the medicinal purposes of these unique plants. What is wiccia? no you dont want that
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Research it and then practice it.... buy sum boox, 2. The boox should tell u evrythng.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Register at Coven of Witches. It's free. There you will find all sorts of forums/topics that can help you learn, as well as members who will be more than happy to teach and guide you along. You ask, you get answers.. . . Blessed Be!. Coven of Witches.
by (4.3k points)