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+53 votes
How can I report a company that continues to call me even after being asked to be added to the do not call list?
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+82 votes
Best answer
There are several different ways...If this company is wanting to do surveys then the "do not call list" doesn't apply to them...but after you tell them once to take your number off of their list then they should have put you in their computers as a refusal (meaning you refused to do their survey). Next time they call you can ask to speak to their supervisor to tell them to stop calling. Either way take down their company information to turn in the Attorney General in your area.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
If you are living in the United States, you contact your State Attorney General's Office.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
i would go back to the do not call site it should tell you your rights , but there is also a time factor with that it , if i remember right may take up to 3 months for everyone to get the info on there system , also if the company is in a diffrent country it may be hard to track down and with a lot of companies out sorcing to places like packastan it may take even longer , make sure you write down who called when and about what , and ask if they work for a company that is under contract they may not give you a full name but an employee number so you can address the issue with the head company or the do not call people
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Fist, go to this website and register your phone number. Once your number has been on this list for 31 days, most of the companies will no longer call. If they do, find out the name of the person calling, the name of the company, the supervisor and the phone number. Tell them you are on the do not call list. Chances are, they will apologize, hang up and not call you again, because they are heavily fined if their name is turned in. However if they do call again, you can go to that same website and report them.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
1.attoney general's office. 2.put yourself on the do not call list. the FCC and file a complaint. . I had a situation like that with some stupid bank. Everytime I answered the phone, the call would disconnect. I would call the number back, and it was some recording. Wouldn't you know that one of the options was "if you want to know why our number showed up on your caller id, press 2". So I pressed 2 and found out they were soliciting loans or some dome crap. They called every hour on the hour for 1 month. In the interim, I had called them 4 times and told them to get my name off the list becuase my number was on the do no call list. . . Come to find out, directv had sold them a list of numbers.. . *sigh* all in the name of the almighty dollar.
by (4.2k points)