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+45 votes
How can I begin the process of being added to the transplant list at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+79 votes
Best answer
To the best of my knowledge you require your dooctor to put you onto the list. The list is nationally based (as is the donor list) and thus it shouldn't vary too much between hospitals.. . The reason your doctor is going to need to do it, is that the list requires specific techinical medical information that will need to be supplied by your doctor (used in matching to find a donor).. . Speak to your doctor, or phone the hospital and ask to speak to whoever is incharge their to find out what the procedure is.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Try asking your doctor because they are the one's that will recommend you. I also don't think that you will be rejected because of your diabetes, but you're more likely to have complications after the surgery.
by (4.5k points)