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+14 votes
Why am I always getting interviews?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+90 votes
Best answer
Interviews are standard practice in this country. I cannot imagine you getting even the LOWEST LEVEL job in the USA without an interview.. . Not sure where your mom or sisters are working, but it is really odd that they got a job without meeting their employer in an interview first.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
nobody,. . It really depends on the types of jobs you're interviewing for. For managerial positions and those offering higher pay, folks want to know what they're getting into when they hire someone...especially in management or executive positions, where it could really hurt a business to have the wrong person in those positions.. . I'm not sure what your mother or your sisters do, but if they got hired after only one or two interviews, I would think it's lower-paying, service industry's easier to get those jobs, because the turnover's really high and those jobs need to be filled quickly.. . Hey least you have people calling you, and you're going on interviews. You know how many people would KILL to go on a job interview? You must be doing something right...keep at it, and you'll eventually land that job.
by (4.3k points)