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+121 votes
What is the significance of celebrating Black History Month in February?
by (4.1k points)

5 Answers

+53 votes
Best answer
Because the rest of the year is taken up by other celebrations. Shouldn't others be given the same consideration (American Indian, Asian-Pacific, Hispanic, etc.)?
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
I dont know but frankly i think its rediculous because blacks contributed so much but get rewarded soo little as one lowsy month. Blacks are the reason for stop lights, refined sugar, rap music, and hair care products and one month couldn't take care of all of that and more
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Why not? Other holidays within the month include President's Day, Abe Lincoln's Birthday, and Valentine's Day. Seems like pretty good company to me. Is there some reason why this month is better or worse than any others?. . Wow! This whole "give me, give me" attitude really chaps my hide. My Dutch and Irish immigrant forefathers built the skyscrapers of New York for pennies a day, and we don't get a month! We get one friggin' day to drink green beer!! We weren't part of the aristocracy, therefore had little chance of owning land. My family never owned slaves, in fact, were against it from the very beginning! And yet, here comes the crying........... . Lease is right - The natives of Hispaniola were expolited by Christopher Columbus and made slaves, and they are not crying! By throwing this issue in everyone's face every day, you are not making it more visible in a positive way. In fact, you are doing more to damage your cause. . . Recieved nothing? Puh-LEEZE!! That is propaganda crap.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
well, where i come from it is celebrated every day of the year. Just by waking up in the morning and making it through another day is a celebration.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I know thats a good question, and did you notice that February is the shortest month of the year!!!! Man, that makes me mad!!!! And (stefanovitch) none of those presidents and important people have to deal with things like the black race went through and is still going through today!!!! And we recieved NOTHING!!!!
by (4.4k points)