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+46 votes
What is the distinction between a customer and a consumer?
by (4.2k points)

4 Answers

+104 votes
Best answer
the costomer is the person or company that buys the product/service, while the consumer is the person/company that uses the product/service. for example, if a mom buys dipers, she is the costomer, but the baby is the consumer
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Customer is a profile who take decision of purchasing the goods or services,where as a consumer is a prfile who consume or use that goods or services. For Example : Parents are customer for a Kindegarden School where as consumer are the kids who are to be admitted to the school.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
a customer is a person who purchase and pay for the product while a consumer is the ultimate user of the product, the consumer may not have paid for the product.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
A customer is a human being, who customarily purchases a particular product, or service.. A consumer is merely a person, animal, or even machine that consumes any particular product, or service - without necessarily evincing a liking for it, or purchasing it.. For example, if you buy a tub of ice cream you are a customer. If you give it to child, who polishes it off, the child is a consumer. Similarly, a customer will buy a bundle of straw for a cow to consume. And an automobile will consume any brand of petrol purchased by its owner, who is the real customer.... Thus a customer turns into a consumer, only when he/she consumes the purchase. And a consumer turns customer, when he/she chooses a particular product or service, and buys it ! . ...But the sad part is that even persons who are actively involved in marketing and advertising confuse themselves [and others too !] by misusing both of these terms !
by (4.4k points)