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+100 votes
What were the reasons for the USA's involvement in World War 1?
by (4.4k points)

4 Answers

+53 votes
Best answer
US President Woodrow Wilson and his administration were determined not to define the U.S. as an ally. But United States declared war on Germany on the grounds of German violations of American neutrality by attacking many international carriers, and was not at war with the Ottoman Empire at all. Therefore, the U.S. entered the war as an "associated power", rather than a formal ally of France and Britain, and maintained that distance through the war and the Paris Peace Conference, 1919.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
because the usa are idiots, i am sorry did i say that? :( :)
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Of course the US entered WW I. The official reasons had to do with the German decision to continue unrestricted submarine warfare, specifically firing on ships of neutral nations in international waters, even passenger boats, that might be carrying goods to the enemies of Germany. The US maintained that it had the right to free navigation and neutrality. The Zimmerman note, a message from the German government to the government of Mexico which the US intercepted, asking Mexico to declare war on the US, was also cited as a reason.. . The US also wanted to bring about an end to the German dictatorship and restore democracy, and of course, the US had a great economic interest in securing our right to trade with Britain and other allied countries. . . In other words, pretty typical reasons for going to war: intelligence intercepts indicating a hostile intention of an adversary, threats to economic security, a people oppressed by a dictatorial government. . . Source(s):. Here is President Wilson's "War Speech" laying out the official reasons.:. Al doilea link e cu sursa. poti sa mai adaugi si de acolo informatii..
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Pretty much what other 2 said. Wow I learned America WASNT against the Ottoman Empire...Cool, cant wait to tell my Turkish landlord.
by (4.4k points)