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+23 votes
Why do people around the world often label Muslims as fundamentalist and terrorists?
by (4.5k points)

14 Answers

0 votes
Others have answered this question well. But you answer this. What happens to a Muslim who converts to Christianity in a Muslim country? Or a Christian who teaches Christianity in a Muslim country? I'll tell you. They are beaten,imprisoned,raped,and even killed- and their families with them in some cases. Islam also preaches "conversion by the sword" and to "kill the infidels" It is NOT a religion of peace.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
because we hate and despise murderers, rapists, liars, cheats, thieves, jerks, etc. when christianity takes over a country, people still do wrong, but overall, sin and crime and horror is less, and sometimes much less. when muslims do anything, with a country or alone, they are human animals. no muslims get nobel peace prizes. no muslims create new inventions. no muslims find cures for anything. no muslim govt is known for anything other than murder, corruption and horror. there just are no muslims anywhere that can be pointed to as examples of the best of humanity. but so,so,so, many muslims can pathetically easily be pointed to as the worst of humanity.
by (3.9k points)
0 votes
Unfortunately, most people don't realize that the terrorists are radicals rather than paragons of Islam. If they truly followed God's teachings, they wouldn't be killing themselves or others.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I do not for a minute believe that everyone in the world is calling Fundamentalist Muslims Terrorist's. At least that is the way that I read your question. I think that most people feel that a Majority of Terrorist's are from an extremist faction of the Muslim religion that is in fact very small. However with terrorist acts in the News daily it is felt that there are more terrorists out there than we thought and people begin to think that every Muslim is somehow involved. One reason for this is that many Muslims do not speak out against these few extremists that are giving all a bad name. Possibly they don't speak out because of the same fear that we have, however because they don't speak out it seems to be guilt by association.. . Just in the way that you phrase your question tells me that you have the same concepts of us as you are accusing us of having against you.
by (4.4k points)