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+21 votes
What was the reason behind Hitler's decision to force Jews to wear the Star of David during the war?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+113 votes
Best answer
First the nazis said that all Jews look alike, and that the way they look was obvious to anyone who was not a Jew. Then they made the Jews wear the Star of David in order to distinguish them from non-Jews!
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
To identify them as Jews. Jews were stripped of their rights as German (and other) citizens by the nazis. Thus, when a nazi saw a Jew, he then knew to treat the Jew like an animal, not a person. Jews had curfews and could not do a lot of other things that non-Jews could do, like eat in certain restaurants or go to the theatre. It only got worse. As the war progressed, Jews were rounded up and thrown all together in ghettos.. . You provoke an interesting point, though. Allegedly, Aryans were the superior "race" (Judaism is not a race). Well, shouldn't the nazis have been able to identify Jews by their "race" rather than an armband?! Truth is that many nazis had a lot of Jewish blood in their families, which is what is so absurdly hypocritical about their philosophy.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
The star was so they could be identified in public. It was a form of humiliation because the public was allowed and actively encouraged to abuse them. That obviously did not satisfy Hitler enough because he went from humiliating them to killing them.. . Before Hitler came to power as the leader in Germany he headed up what you might call the German department of education. During his time as the head there, he used questionaires in the schools where the children identified their ethnic origin and these records were later used in addition to voluntary admission of Jewish heritage to label the Jews.. . He also pushed his own ideologies in the German school curriculum. This later proved to his advantage in that many of those grew up to be avid supporters and active participants in his political machine. He had a amassive amount of support from teens. Many of whom turned their own families in for being dissidants when they spoke out in their own homes against what Hitler was doing.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
So that he/the nazis/and non jewish people could tell who is a jew. Jewish people were not allowed to leave their houses with putting on the star of david. if they did manage to leave their house without the star of david and if they were caught they were severly punished right there on the spot.
by (4.6k points)