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+120 votes
How can I successfully apply for Social Security disability benefits?
by (4.3k points)

8 Answers

+72 votes
Best answer
Have a real disability. Then get denied for social security. And that's when you get a lawyer.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
it takes forever. i wish you luck . i don't know exactly how you do it but i do know it took my dad over a year to get approved. he even got hurt on the job. fell from a tower and hurt his back. walks with a cane. every dr. said he was unable to work and they still denied him. i don't know if it is like that for everyone but it was for him.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You must have something that disables you from getting a normal job such as having a psychological disorder or a anatomical impediment. In order to recieve the benefits you must prove what impedes you to work- no proof no glory.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
social security will send you to one of their doctors to get approved. Also you have to be off work for at least 6 months to be eligible
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
DONNA had a few good points, but I think I can fill in the dirty little details based on the wonderful experience that I had personally. . . I can only answer this in a general way, because you give no details. . Make sure your SPECIALIST knows that you wish to do this. He/She will probably have answers for you with regard to your specific problem. This is a long and arduous road. Be prepared to work with some disappointment and months of delay. The paperwork is unbelievable. It will be confusing to you, but it has to be done WELL. I had a social worker. She was a part of my Doctors office in a neurology practice. If this will not be something offered to you, call your State Disability office, and see if they can direct you in some way. If that doesn't work, ask your Doc, and he may know what you can do. The reason I stress this, is because without a social workers help, I just don't know what I would have done to get through everything.When your sick,that's enough sometimes. You may be able to get some help from your local S.S. office. This,a hint. If you do call S.S., remember that it makes a big difference when you're speaking with someone who is empathetic. Hang up and call back until you get that person. The reason I say this is, when you have questions, they're going to be tough ones from the required paperwork. Hopefully,too ,there are family members or friends that can help you to gather the necessary paperwork. I really hate to sound negative, or make you think that from the beginning, you have no chance. I have to ,though. Donna was right about being turned down the first time. This is the government. They will do whatever they have to, to make this as difficult as they can. This is no secret. Over 70% are denied the first time. You can be really deserving, too. They don't tell you that you can apply again. They count on you just giving up, because it is so hard. DO NOT. Try again, if you have to. Here's a warning. If you are not really, really ill, think . In this, you may want to search for someone in your area who has gone through this. You should be able to find someone. I would advise you to attempt to do so. I was accepted the first time because I do have the big guns, so to speak. MS, seizures, and I need such extentive surgery on my ankles, and so extensive that I won't be able to walk in 3 years if I don't get it. Makes it hard to work if you can't walk. I think the primary reason I got it the first time is the seizures. Their related to the M.S.. . I can't think of anything else right now. If you have any other concerns, you may E-mail me.. . P.S. It is worth it. So, hang in there.. . The best of luck to you.. . Grizz. . [email protected]
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
These people are right. Also, you often get turned down the first time. Sometimes you get turned down the second time. If you make it through the third time, you probably will get it. They want to make sure nobody is scamming the system, so they make it difficult. You'll need doctor verification and plenty of documentation. Occasionally, they may check up on you afterwards to see if you are jogging, for instance, after you claim disability for a bad knee.
by (4.4k points)
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by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You have to have an actual disability that you cannot work with; then check with social security and if they keep deninig you, then get a lawyer
by (4.2k points)