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+22 votes
How can one become eligible for a lump sum of SSI and social security disability?
by (4.5k points)

8 Answers

+116 votes
Best answer
I hope you are not someone lazy that just want to sit on your ass doing nothing while someone who really needs it would get denied. Apply for it and you will see what they say.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Jump off the SSI building. You wont have to prove anything that way....accept your sanity.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
They make it difficult to get social security disability.First you have to have a medical or mental condition that prohibits you from any employment and also intefers with your activities of daily living.You need a doc to help you.You must not be working.You go to your local s.s. office to get the paperwork.Unless you are on deaths bed they will deny you.You then must get an attorney or a specialist is s.s. file an appeal.Now many people think that it takes at least two years and the reason it does is because the attorney will get a % of your lump sum,so it makes sense that the longer he draws out the process the more money he will have in his pocket also.Regarding ssi it only pays you if you are indigent and have few resources,in other words dirt poor.Hope this helps.You can get it, just will take time.My husband got it the first time because he was dying from liver failure and his blood work was horrible.He got his transplant and is alive and well.He was approved in August 2000 but didn't get a check until Feb 2001 They hold you six months in the whole unless you get SSI which we couldn't.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
file for it, if you get denied, get a lawyer
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Cut your arm off
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
First of all, you have to be disabled. Don't be a scum and try to get SSD just because you do not want to work. There are plenty (millions) of people who cheat the system and it sickens me. There are so many people who really need the help and these people also want to work, but they cannot. Don't believe me?? Well, I'm one of them. . I'm not lazy. No matter what I do or try to do, the Doctor's override what I want. Let them live on my small amount of income. I barely can survive.. If you are really and truly disabled, go to your Social Security Office. If you just want to cheat the system...what goes around, comes around.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Check with the local social security office. If your doctor has declared you disabled and unable to work, it should be a matter of filing paperwork. To get a lump sum (backpay), you'd have to be declared disabled for a while before applying for and getting social security. You may get rejected the first time you apply, but give it time and you can reapply. It will take weeks (sometimes months) to find out if your claim has been accepted.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I guess you should check with the social security office nearest you
by (4.3k points)