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+109 votes
How do you get characters to have children in The Sims 2 for PlayStation 2?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Well actually you CAN have children on the Sims 2 for PS2. i just really don't know how to do it.....see here is proof
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
"Sadly babies are taken out of the equation and you’ll never have to worry about growing old or watching a child go from infancy to his or her teen years. It’s these little things that you’ll miss if you own the PC game but at least EA makes up for it with two-player split-screen fun.". . from: . the link below is talking about the sims 2 for PC, i believe that is true, because i see nowhere where they say it is for the sims ps2 version, plus the images are from the PC version. yes, after reading it, that is talking about the PC version, because it does not talk at all about the changelle game play. just about making family and generations which is all you do in the PC version.
by (4.2k points)