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+50 votes
Explain the reasons for defending the Confederate flag
by (4.3k points)

8 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
I personally feel that flaunting the Confederate Flag is insensitive. One of my ancestors was the cousin of Jefferson Davis.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
I dont disagree that some people who fly the flag do use it as a racist symbol but,I do not agree that everyone views it the same. Wether or not the flag is flown or it is not you still would have racism. If you outlawed flying the flag it would only add fuel to the fire that you are trying to put out and would only prove that America is not as free as it says it is. The only way to truly rid America of racism is not to separate us into groups defining differences. We are not white people,we are not black people,we are not African Americans. We are just plainly Americans. If only people would not get so easily offended, be more open minded, not be so needlessly on the defensive,we might learn more about each other to break barriers down faster. Having respect for each individual as a human being, not by their race. If only people could think a little more like Morgan Freeman the world would be a better place to share his wisdom.
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
I'm a yankee. But as far as I know, the only people defending states rights are racists. I wish non racists could understand that every time you bring the federal government in to a problem (such as katrina), you loose power to choose on a local level. You'll know when your states governor is impotent (politicly speaking), when you elect professional wrestlers, and Austrian actors to office. When I was young, governors called in the militia to restore order after disasters, but the men were viewed as neighbors, and friends. But now, the National Guard is locked into homeland defense, so mayors and governors don't have the means to solve their local problems. Historically, southern militias carried the stars and bars. Don't forget that. But don't through the baby out with the bath water! Have you any suggestions for a new state flag? What symbols could you use, that don't cary a lot of negative baggage?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I personally don't fly the confederate flag, but I know many people do without malace toward blacks. In that case then, the problem is yours. As long as you have that attitude of you know what other people's motives are and you don't care about there perspective, then you will be the source of the animus.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I totally agree agree with that, flying the confederate flag is the same as allowing the arabs to control port operations, white america did not go for that simply because of the stigma attached-- such as having an arab country guard our ports when we are at odds with countries in the the middle east-its the same as flying the confederate flag
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
As a northerner I have never understood the constant presence of the stars and bars in the south.. . However, this is America and the fact is that if you want to fly a symbol of hate (even a swastika), that is your right. It's the price we pay.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It is not the flag being defended--it is history being preserved. Some racists use it for a symbol of their hate.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
As much as I disagree with the symbolism of the Confederate Flag this is a free country and if we take their right to express their ignorance, what is next?
by (4.5k points)