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+28 votes
What are the reasons behind people continuing to display the Confederate flag?
by (4.1k points)

45 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
I think most of us tend to react negatively to that flag as well as to many other symbolic things that we have come to associate with bad things like a burning cross , a Nazi symbol...etc.... and no matter how they defend using it ( some say its just honoring their dead confederate soldiers etc.) you just can't help but feel that person wishes the south had won and they wish it will rise yep.... its still scary!
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
A man on our street says it is because he is from Georgia. . . I acually feel like the confederate flag is a symbol that represents those individuals who became traitors against the United States. After all, what else was it but treason?
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I'm hispanic and it scares me. Why do people put it on their cars and front porches? Is it some type of statment that they are trying to make?
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
nothing to worry about. actually it is a sign that we should have never gotten rid of slavery. look at how long the flag is lasting around us.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You ever been to the south? Theres black down there that have the flag flying on there house! I think they just see it as you said a symbol of the south. Blacks down there are just as proud as anyone else to be southern.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
It depends on the particular person. While some people still wave it because they are, indeed, racist, most people just keep one for good ol' Southern Pride. I'm Mahogany-American, as well, and a friend of mine has one that says "Heritage, Not Hate" underneath it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Well... see... the SOUTH was not all about the SINGLE issue of slavery. There are things in each of our heritages that we are not proud of... that doesn't mean that we should turn our back on our ROOTS. Heck America went for YEARS not allowing our WOMEN to VOTE, or hold a JOB... should we NOT fly the AMERICAN FLAG?. . I don't think a confederate flag automatically implies RACISM... but then... I tend to think the BEST of people... I could be WRONG.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Aw, come on. I am African American and the Confederate Flag doesn't represent anything about racism. It is a symbol of the south. It is just a piece of cloth that represents the rebellion that lead to the Civil War. It isn't about racism. The Civil War was not about racism. The Civil War was about succession from the Union. . . Whenever the Confederate flag gets flown, it is symbolic of the unity of the South. Which is a bogus theory. The South is no more unified now than it was during the Civil War. The south no longer exports its' racism or it's history with slavery, but it exports its' stupidity and backwards values.. . The Confederate flag represents nothing except a reminder that the south does everything bassackwards and they are proud of it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Just pure ignorance, no other reason.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
First, can Americans actually read history?. . Yes, the confederate flag is a symbol of the confederacy.. . It's all about states' rights. Especially not have the states of the north force their will on the states of the south. The north wanted to stay together. The south wanted to get out of the sandbox, take their toys home, and make their own play area.. . Race didn't become an issue until well into the war.. . Now does this mean that all cofederate waving yahoos are not racists? Nope. . . I figure that rednecks can drop the confederate flag when blacks drop black power flags, hispanics drop mexican flags, and gays drop rainbow flags.. . The next time you see a confederate flag, instead think of how stupid we are as Americans. Where in the heck does it even say anything about seperation of church and state in the constitution? Look it up people. It was in a letter..... after the fact.
by (4.3k points)