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+52 votes
What are the reasons for not displaying the Confederate flag?
by (4.5k points)

5 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Yeah and we could also fly the Nazi flag too!!! . . US Americans love to have things around that stand for hatred, oppression and evil!
by (4.4k points)
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A very touchy subject, let me first say that I say this not to offend.. . First, what is seen as the "confederate flag" is in fact NOT the confederate flag. It is the Confederate naval flag.. . Now, most who feel that the confederate flag should not be shown is they claim it represents slavery.. . First, allow me to make clear WHY the civil war came about.. . It was over representation.. . At the time, there was a disagreement on how people should be represented. One side wanted 2 representatives per state. The other wanted it based on population. . . The north had a heavy industrial center, the south agricultural. the decisions of a president can affect, for good or for ill, either side. The states with heavy industry were more numerous, while agricultural had a large population.. . Here you can see why the issue on representation came into effect. It would determine if the US would be an agricultural, or a industrial nation.. . As an interesting note, Southern lawmakers wanted the slave population counted for representation and have voting rights, in an effort to secure their domination over the government. The Northern didnt want that, for same reason. This is where the idea that every 3 slaves counted as 2 people for the purpose of representation. Eventually this wasnt enough, and civil war was fought.. . Why was the emancipation proclomation made? To be able to free the slave population to fight for northern interests.. . . So what then, did we get out of the civil war?. . 1. The beginnings of true freedom for all races. 2. a house of representatives, and the senate. 3. a nation that is a mix of agricultural and industrial.. . Instead of concentrating on the issue of slavery, which existed before the war, we should concentrate on what the civil war taught us, and the good that came from it.. . it comes down to this... If the civil war never happened, and the south never seceeded due to differences in how representation should be done, would slavery ever ended?
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
The confederate flag is all about context. Many Southerners would consider the flag a symbol of pride in the Southern way of life. Few outside the South recognize this, since many outside the South believe the Southern way of life involves inbreeding and missing teeth, which it does not. It usually involves Southern hospitality, REALLY good cooking (not necessarily healthy cooking), and in many cases a deep devotion to religious beliefs.. . If used in a hateful context, such as to celebrate slavery, the flag may be considered offensive, but it's display, to my knowledge, would still be protected under the First Amendment in this context.. . If used in a violence-promoting context, like encouraging revolt against the government or promoting violence against minorities, First Amendment protections may not apply. Consult your local constitutional expert.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Simple it is the flag of the ememies of the union, those who would have divided this country up into little third world countries that are a pain in the ass today like Iraq, Iran and Syria. Flying that flag is the same a pissing on old glory.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Your buckeye is showing, Golfer. People have made the confederate flag stand for hatred. It's a flag from the history of the USA (unlike the nazi flag). I don't live in the South, but some of my relatives and friends do. Their showing of the confederate flag is an "in-your-face" to all the politically correct,hyper sensitive liberals. Not a demonstration of hatred or bigotry.. . I feel it's also a demonstration of someones cultural upbringing. In the south it's more laid back and slower paced life. Where people are able to spend time doing things they want to do and spend time together with family and friends. Unlike people from other parts of the country that run around like rats on crack trying to get to blockbuster before the last copy of Closer or Crash is picked up or running through red lights so their 12 year old son can get the last xbox 360 from bestbuys.
by (4.3k points)