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Question: Why would God provide a path to heaven for Europeans but not for Native Americans?
by (4.4k points)

24 Answers

0 votes
God didn't tell the Europeans. He told the Hebrews. They lived in Isreal (in Asia.) The Word spread from there and is still spreading.. . Did you expect it to be instantaneous? Like everybody wakes up one day with a bible in their hands? That miracle would have overshadowed the Resurrection by far. But that isn't an act of love. Jesus dying on the cross to pay for our sins was an act of love. That is the message God wants to convey.. . As for the Native Americans, they were no more in the dark than the Europeans were before Paul started his ministry.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
God is portrayed in many perspectives by many people it's unfair and barbaric to force beliefs on others..unless God himself/herself writes a book i wont believe everything in the holy bible that book is distorted and its not updated if god chose people to write for him then im sure he has chosen a few now so where are they ???. . i don't believe in your God and my god is not a vengeful God
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
God has His own reasons. He's not fair. He doesn't have to be fair to be just, good, or loving.. If you want to question God's authority, you'd better read Job first.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Religion, like all other ideologies, don't exist if you don't believe in them. Therefore, there is no heaven and hell if people, the native americans in this case, don't believe they exist. Ideologies don't make anyone right, nor do they make anyone wrong. They just "are".. . At any rate, no one has the right to think less of anyone else, soley based on relgious beliefs such as this. While it may not be explicit, a good rule of thumb for this case is knowing that asking this question to the party in question would offend them. Just because someone believes in God, or gods, for that matter, it doesn't make you better than them in any way at all.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
good's very good to question.. . my answer- God didn't tell ONLY the europeans...MAN wrote all of the different scriptures around the world, and each of them believe themselves to be right, so it's man's ego and the desire to control or govern the people that has inspired and perpetuated the belief that there is only ONE way to God. i believe there are many paths, and of coarse they would be all different, because although we are all human, we all have cultural differences based on where we are from, so God speaks to us ALL in the way that is most clear to us all individually. that is my simple answer.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
God brought the word to Israel before he brought the word to Europe.. . When Alexander The Great ruled a vast Empire he ordered that Greek become a common language for all so the Jews began translating Hebrew and Aramaic texts of the Old Testament into Greek thus allowing for Non-Jews to have a chance to learn God's word.. . Christian Missionaries worked to spread Christianity into every area that was known to them (they even worked to spread it into Arabia before Muhammed was born.. . When Christopher Columbus spoke of wanting to explore he told the Spanish Monarchs that if there are any people we have never heard of before then shouldn't we spread Christianity to them?
by (4.0k points)
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also, what about all the people that were born before jesus? who's supposed to save them? sounds like a royal jip if you ask me...
by (4.5k points)
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A good question. I believe that God reveals himself to people without actaully having "the book." I've heard stories of remote cultures where a missionary showed up to tell of Christ, and they said that they knew who "God" was but didn't have a name for Him. . We also believe that God judges people differently, based on their knowledge. Therefore, someone whose heard the message would be held to a higher standard that those who have not. . I personally believe that people like the native americans were judged on character and morality as opposed to the rules of the Bible. Every culture has certain things that are right and wrong, such as murder.
by (4.3k points)
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I think he already had planned for the Americans to wipe them out so what was the pont in salvation for those bloody savages.
by (4.0k points)
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Gods intention was for us to spread His word to all people and thats what is happening. He said He has no other plan... And we are all held accountable to our measure of faith, so those who never hear, I believe are held accountable to what they do know and what the Holy spirit has convicted them of.
by (4.2k points)