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Question: Why would God provide a path to heaven for Europeans but not for Native Americans?
by (4.4k points)

24 Answers

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Romans chapter 2: 14 & 15. Even the gentiles (thats all who are not jews) who do not have the law, are a law unto themselves, thier concience bears witness accussing them or excusing them. One day God will judge the secrets of men. If a person has never heard of the law or Jesus Christ, Then God will judge them according to thier Heart. God bless all!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Actually, it was the europeans who shaped, molded, n commercialized (if u will) the idea of diz god. god himself has never done it on his own. As a matter of fact, the idea of diz christian god, jesus, noah, etc. is not even original material. Diz were stories created long before them. The story of jesus(as he is the main charater in da bible) was told and celebrated for years in Egypt (only it wasnt jesus at all but the sun god who died n resurected from the dead). As always, power imposes the rules and ideas it brings with it. take our modern number system for example (don't wanna deviate from da subject but merely state an example) the ones who perfected it were da people from india (n dey also took it from oder people)but it was not accepted (until much later) due to da roman power of da time (even though roman numbers were good for nothing more dan keepin records n do primitive accountin with da abacus).. . If da Mayans(to use an example) wud have been da conquerors, dont u think our gods wud look a little different today? Havent u noticed dat each major civilization creates its own god/s? . Ever been scared by da boogie man himself? of course not. Grownups, frends, n relatives were da ones dat scared u when u were little. But u grew out of it. U c, god is a boogieman for grownups. He'll spank u for all eternity(u know how long dat really is?)for sining merely 20 maybe even 80 years of ur miserable n insignificant(compared to eternity) life? god is nothin more than a primitive idea from which very few have liberated themselves from. . . But u have to admit. religion n beliefs have a powerful grip on all, da positive n negative. dere is nothing more powerful. But all dose million yrs of drama could've been avoided if people wud accept da truth. There is no god. How many loved ones do u think cud have been saved from da twin towers in NY if dose suicidal men wouldnt have a believed in anythin at all? how 'bout the ones in da holocaust? or da ones murdered during da crusades?. . man, I'd love to write n write for hours but u've probably had enough... lol.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Check out the Book of Mormon it explains it.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
That is a very good question. The Book of Mormon is a religous record written in the Americas from 300 B.C. Until 400 A.D. It tells the story of the native americans and their interaction with God. When Jesus showed himself to his diciples he told them He was going to visit his other sheep. I believe the other sheep where these people in North and South America and those spread around the world. It's kind of silly to think that if Jesus is the Christ that only the Bible would tell that story.
by (4.3k points)