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+33 votes
What are some alternative methods for dealing with personal issues without resorting to medication?
by (4.5k points)

4 Answers

+63 votes
Best answer
If you go to a PHYSCOLOGIST they won't prescribe meds as they are not trained to do so, they can help and it mite make a difference, just try to find someone who is actually gona help ask for recommendations etc. If you go to PHYSCIATRIST they will prescribe meds, they are alot more expensive and they study a lot longer than a Physcologist. Just make sure you visit a phycologist and you will be fine, about not knowing how to express ur feelings this for me is the most urgent of the lot if you don't sort it out now you can end up in a lot of pain. It can lead to things such as ripping your skin with razor blades and taking overdose and commiting suicide, so try to seek proffessional help as soon as possible.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
stop eating junk food and start eating only non-sweet fruits and vegetables. Do this for at least three months. Also: do a three day fast on only water.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
This sounds really bad... but I had a few of the same issues, and I tried something that I would like to share with you. I was shy and didnt know how to talk to people, and I was in a job that I had to! I started having one alcoholic drink before I was in one of these situations. I know it sounds bad, but it helped me to talk to people and then I got my confidence up enough to not have to do it anymore!!! . I think with throwing a fit, you should count to ten and take some breathers before you react to anything when you are upset. Calm yourself down before you say anything you will regret!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Start counseling. Not all counselors give you meds. Some actually help you. . . Find a way to express yourself. Start painting, make a blog, Do Tai Chi every morning, run, whatever it taked to express something. . . All you have to do is make a concious decision to change, and dedicate yourself to that decision.
by (4.7k points)