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+9 votes
What does a non-profit organization do?
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+101 votes
Best answer
An NPO is an non-governmental organization set up to do good rather than make money. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts, the Red Cross, and Doctors without Borders would be examples.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
An incorporated organization which exists for educational or charitable reasons, and from which its shareholders or trustees do not benefit financially. also called non-profit organization.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Don't let the name fool you. Not-for-profit organizations can make lots of money. I worked for one for the last 4 years that made 2-3 million a year. The organizations do not have to pay taxes and, normally, must benefit something. Those who work for the organization make normal salaries, just as they would at a for-profit organization.. . Good explanation, lovinomz.
by (4.3k points)
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by (4.4k points)
0 votes
A not for profit organization is one that makes money from goods or services, but that money should only cover operating expenses. If any profit is made (because organizations obviously cannot foresee the future) it has to be reinvested back into the organization.. . For instance, the Red Cross Blood Services is a not for profit organization. In essence, the blood they collect is sold to hospitals. They have huge operating costs, and charging the hospitals for blood is how they cover their expenses in hiring staff, buying equipment and supplies, and maintaining vehicles and buildings. The Blood Services does not take donations from the community (unlike the Red Cross Disaster Services). They are not supposed to be profiting from sales of the blood, however. It should just cover their expenses. Sometimes, however, more blood is needed, and the Red Cross may make more than what their actual expenditures were. That money must be reinvested into the organization. It can be used to buy new equipment, remodel old buildings, etc. If it was a commercial enterprise, shareholders, CEOs, and others would basically pocket alot of the profits.. . One main difference between non-profit and not-for-profit is donations. Non-profits usually rely on donors whereas not-for-profits are actually "selling" something. In the Blood Services example, the hospitals are "buying" blood. But in essence, it can be considered a per-bag donation. I don't think, however, a hospital can write the expense off as a charitable donation.
by (4.5k points)