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+75 votes
How can I establish a non-profit organization?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+16 votes
Best answer
There is a detailed set of requirements for being recognized as a non-profit by the IRS. This non-profit status is recognized by everyone nationwide. It allows your income to not be taxed. The source below has details about the process.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
depends entirely on which country u live bigu want ur ngo o be..its growth,spread and network..firstly,u need to construct an action plan,choose what kinda work ur ngo should do,what kinda people would it xater to,financing,sponsorship,funding ideas need to be gathered.u need to chalk out the objectives etc.n then register the ngo.u need to consult and contact the registering authorities in this regard..setting up an ngo is a novel idea but requires a very professional approach.u need a workforce,managerial expertise etc..but u have to start from a grass root level.u might even choose to be a part of an umbrella organisation which might supprt u with financial aid and provide expertise in running the ngo.u can contact UNICEF,CRY ETC.
by (4.3k points)