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+76 votes
Why do I have a higher social standing at work compared to other places?
by (4.4k points)

3 Answers

+41 votes
Best answer
Because you know that at work, people judge you for the job you do. The "liking" comes second. If you do a poor job, you aren't as popular. In a social situation, the only thing people judge you on is you.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
I thought it was only me. Maybe there's some phenomena behind it. If there isn't then maybe I can develop some sort of theory. In the meantime, I remember once, at work, I was on the phone with someone who is now an ex-girlfriend, I ended up jumping into a work conversation and joking around with them real quick while she listened in on the phone. When I got back to her she asked me "Why can't you act like that outside of work?" I don't remember the excuse I gave, probably some nonsense from experiencing slight cognitive dissonance. But it certainly gets me thinking now.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I tried to email you back on your request for more info on the Hyd Fuel car. Your email address is "unconfirmed." I am looking to develop a group who can interact for each other's mutual benefit in working on a project like this. the tone of some of your other questions does cause me some concern as to whether an undertaking of this sort would be a good fit for you. Send me another email to which I am able to reply. Then, I shall do so.
by (4.4k points)