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+10 votes
What is the relationship between a scientific mindset and poor spelling skills?
by (4.4k points)

5 Answers

+102 votes
Best answer
In short, much scientific terminology is logical and consistent (sounds like how it is spelled and roots of words carry over to other words). By contrast, English in particular is a very illogical and inconsistent language, where tough/cough/plough/dough and said/maid/plaid don't rhyme even though they look like they should. It wouldn't surprise me at all that people who have difficulty remembering conventional English spellings (which really are they way they are because that's how everyone spells them) can still spell scientific terms accurately.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Not being able to spell does not automatically make a person a dolt. Keep in mind problems like dyslexia, and just plain poor teachers at the crucial learning levels for spelling. There can be many other factors as well. For example, I am a "scientist", but have lived in another country for so long that my spelling in English has suffered from lack of use. I hold a Ph.D., but came from a school district that while not the worst, did not have a majority of the students who were even Jr. College-ready. Still, I know many bright people with great ideas who are not top spellers, some of whom I met in grad school.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
A) Research papers typically have a language of their own. . . B) Modern day reliance on the institution known as Microsoft Word.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
I am answering this so I can keep track. I hope you get lots of answers to this question - it is fascinating.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
You got me.. . I wouldn't say that being a poor speller was a requirement to being in the sciences, though. Most of the doctors I know express themselves accurately. Sometimes you can even read their handwriting. ;) It's just that they don't have the time to look everything up and verify the spelling of every word. So it's not that it is just plain carelessness. I think they depend on the medical transcriptionists for the exact spelling of the words.. . --fwiw--for what it's worth--sometimes you hear stories like Einstein couldn't tie his own shoelaces or something like that--don't know if it's true, but it makes you think--
by (4.6k points)