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+73 votes
What is the historical background of the southern 'Bible belt'?
by (4.3k points)

6 Answers

+64 votes
Best answer
bible belt came as a nickname, when you had whats called the southern baptist.along with strong church going people in charge of votes pooled together to decide. what was best for the southern way of living. churches played a major roll on votes and decisions for the area and people coming down to try and pass bills(for congress) or solutions it had to pass through this strong pull of the churchs, that they started nameing the area as the bible belt,meaning the bible in the hands of the dominate controllers or churches making there stand
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
I don't know myself. But YES it is odd that the Southern Bible Belt is always hit by tornadoes and hurricanes. If you are to go by what these Christian's beloved icons Pat Robertson and Falwell claim, these natural disasters are supposed to be a punishment from God.. . . What's more the bible belt has the highest rate of obesity in the USA and the highest divorce rate in the USA. Texas actually has the HIGHEST divorce rate in the whole USA according to National Divorce Statistics. I always thought it would be California or New York. Even Alabama's divorce rate is higher than New York's. . . So obviously there is a lot of gluttony and adultry going on the bible belt by their own Christian standards.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
probably how southen baptism migrated across that section of the country along with the settlers
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Rumor has it that it was H.L. Mencken back in the mid-1920s. Here's a quote on his concept of it. (His .. not mine, OK!). . "In all those parts of the Republic where Beelzebub is still as real as Babe Ruth or Dr. Coolidge, and men drink raw fusel oil hot from the still - for example, in the rural sections of the Middle West and everywhere in the South save a few walled towns - the evangelical sects plunge into an abyss of malignant imbecility, and declare a holy war upon every decency that civilized men cherish."
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Inbreeding and scare tactics from people of the church taking advantage of there dumbness.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I don't know, but isn't it odd that the Bible Belt and Tornado Alley are in the same place? Is God trying to tell us something?
by (4.0k points)