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+42 votes
Explain the historical background of Jihad in Islam
by (3.9k points)

4 Answers

+71 votes
Best answer
Don't know the origin but I think it is interesting that Hitler wrote his book called Mein Kampf. Mein Kampf means "my struggle".. The word Jihad also means struggle. Interesting, huh?
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Such a wonderful prophet who calls for holy war against infidels. It must be good old Mohammed, Have you ever heard the prophets from the Bible call for Jihad? I haven't
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
that depends on what you mean by Jihad. the word Jihad means "to struggle" in Arabic and its meaning for Islam is "to struggle for God." it DOES NOT mean holy war. not drinking(alcohol) if you have friends that drink or in an environment that promotes drinking is Jihad. wearing modest clothes in a culture that does not support that is Jihad. the only time a war is considered jihad is when the war is fought to preserve Islam or if you are fighting for the right to practice Islam. if a Muslim country decides they do not like another country's politics.... when they go to war, it is NOT JIHAD... IT IS JUST A WAR AS ANY OTHER. . . i am not sure where the roots to the present conflict or the tension between the west and the middle east began.... but jihad, or struggling for God, has always been a part of Islam.. . peace to all,. Sakina
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I guess from Muhamud
by (4.3k points)