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+78 votes
If you know someone is suicidal, what actions should you take?
by (4.4k points)

18 Answers

+71 votes
Best answer
i think that you should help her come though with it all. i was sucidal because of my parents, and i try to tell my mom and she didnt care, she laughed, try to convinece her to go running, it was the best thing that i could do. i would never enjoy staying at home becuase all i could think about was my mom, my parents are divored and it was hard for me i am 16 and i amproud that i have lived this long, stay by her side, dont leave it either, when i was sucicdal i had a best friend and she turned her back on me when i told her everything and she told me that she wasnt a mentour and she wasnt going to help me i was cryign for days, but then i realized dont waste my life, its not worth it, then i started running, always be there to talk to ehr
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Right now she may be looking for attention, but if she does not get the attention, she may carry through with the suicide threats. You absolutely NEED to contact a trusted adult or her parents. What about a school guidance counselor, nurse or principal? They will get her parents involved, but that is exactly what she needs. It sounds like there are some issues that the family needs to resolve. . . Realistically, she will probably be angry with you for telling. But would you rather she be angry or dead? You have proven to be a great friend to be concerned. Now you have a chance to take it one step further and get her some help. If the first person does not listen, keep talking until someone does.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
well im a freshman in high school and i just took health class the best thing 4 u 2 do is to tell ur parents a neighbor u trust or a counselor. if u do not tell someone immediately then they could go through with it even if u think they r doing it for attention u should still deffinately tell someone so you can safe their life. they may just need someone to talk to and you could very well be that person.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
make sure that you are very nice to them and dont make them feel bad. be veryvery nice to them
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
Open up your phone book, there should be a crisis number to call...DO IT NOW
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
If you don't want to go to her parents, how about a school counselor? Or a minister. You really need to get an adult in your community involved. Do you have a suicide intervention line in your town. Or perhaps your local hospital has a number. Also check any Mental Health facility in your area. Good luck. I know how scared you are for your friend.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
First of all you have to tell someone who is the parent or caregiver. ,if the person is a minor.Also there is a hot line you can call.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
you talk to your friend see if you can help in anyway.or you put her intouch with some one who can help not leave it to long to help her if you are aclose friend I am sure she will listen to you.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Tell a teacher you trust. Tell her parents (though most won't want to believe it). Tell someone! You might think you're being a narc, but how will you feel if she carries it out and you could have done something?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Defiantly inform her parents....its the right thing to do. Good Luck
by (4.4k points)