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+79 votes
What is the most effective and efficient method for promoting myself as a Real Estate Agent?
by (4.3k points)

3 Answers

+16 votes
Best answer
If you are a LICENSED real estate agent and are affiliated with a real estate broker/agency, then you should not have much problem establishing yourself. If you are not licensed or you are not associated with a broker, make sure you check the laws in your state. Most states require you to be licensed and be under supervision of a real estate broker.
by (4.2k points)
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If you have obtained your license and are working with a broker already, start holding Open Houses for other agents. Depending on your area, one day during the week (like Tuesday or Wednesday) and also Saturdays and Sundays.. . You will start to meet buyers and potentially sellers. Have plenty of business cards to hand out. Prior to the open house, mail or hand deliver invitations to the neighbors.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
If you have your license and is currently working as an independent conractor with a licensed Real estate broker, one of the best way's to market yourself is to establish yourslef as an expert in a particular area somewhere near where your office is located. Long ago we called it a farm where you put out flyers introducing yourself as the agent for the area. This is a long slow process, but over time you will be getting referrals and people in your area come to recognize you. . . Tell the home owners you are available to answer any and all questions concerning real estate. Don't try to spread yourself too thin by being a notary, loan officer, insurance or other things because then you don't specialize in anything. You want to establish yourself as the expert real estate consultant in your area.. . You will need a team that you can depend on a very reliable loan officer that work the same area, an insurance person that has an office in the same area, a CPA and or tax preparer in the same area. This is your support team that will answer any and all questions in their field that you can not. You have to be able to trust these individuals so learn about them first and then invite them to become a memeber of your team.. . Select an area of at least 2,500 homes or more if you think you can handle them but that is a start. You may get a list of the home owners from your title company who should also be a member of your team. I would walk my new area and pass out the flyers or have some kids that live in the neighborhood to pass them out for me. You might also get your children to help if you have any. Remember that they go on the door not the mail box, it is illegal to place the flyers in mail boxes. Do this flyer bit for at least 3 months. Offer a freebie like pay for the appraisal at the close of escrow so you can get your feet in the front door.. Offer free evaluation of the proberty before they sell the property in your flyer.. . After that you should follow up with a one or 2 page monthly news letter always giving advice about the real estate market in your area as well as asking for referrals from the home owners and remember that those that are referred need not live in your farm area.. . After about a month and a half you should be getting some calls about selling their homes so you can go to work. You have to build trust, work your area and work it well. . . Find the commercial shops around your area place the flyer in their establishment if they will allow you. You can find holders for your flyers at staples or any other stationary stores of your choice. Talk to all the people that have commercial businesses in you area get business cards and give them out. . . I hope this will be of some use to you, good luck.. . "FIGHT ON"
by (4.4k points)