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+69 votes
How can I find out how much the real estate agent paid for a property before making an offer?
by (4.3k points)

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Veggieboarder is INCORRECT. ALL sales of residential property are public records everywhere in the U.S. The agency that manages property taxes will have a record of all past sales and the current tax basis. These public records, cannot be shielded by buyers or sellers and often are accessible via the Internet.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
town hall land/home transactions are public record. yes,negotiate.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Most real estate purchase contracts are private. Sometimes you will get lucky and they will record them for public record but not likely. Your best bet is to Go to public records which is either the County Recorder, The county Auditor or the court house and they should have copies of mortgages taken out on the home. You can only assume But usually people put down 20% and finance the rest. Alot of real estate agents pay cash for their homes which would make you SOL but See if that works,. . ALWAYS NEGOCIATE!!!!. . . THE ACTUAL REAL ESTATE PURCHASE CONTRACT IS PRIVATE!!!!! UNLESS RECORDED AND MADE PUBLIC. THE COUNTY WILL ASSESS THE VALUE OF THE PROPERTY BUT USUALLY THE COUNTY LOWBALLS THE SALE. I AM NOT INCORRECT I DO TITLE REASEARCH FOR A LIVING AND I DEAL WITH PRIVATE REAL ESTATE PURCHASE CONTRACTS ON A DAILY BASIS ALONG WITH PUBLIC RECORDS!!!!!
by (4.1k points)