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+91 votes
Why is it challenging to get today's children to pay attention?
by (4.4k points)

22 Answers

+66 votes
Best answer
Because today's children are not made to listen.. . Parents today are limited in what they are allowed to do to discipline their children(and I don't mean corporal punishment) We've got Dr's and educators and religious leaders and so on that worry about the child's phychie not being damaged that they aren't worried about the child learning limitations and reality. That this world is not here for their pleasure, they don't always get what they want and that there are things that they can't do or have.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
I sure hope that each and every single one of you who've answered this question have children! I am seeing that parents are taking quite a beating with this one.. . Even with the best parenting skills possible, there comes a point when offspring will do as they shall. You can only teach them the correct path. Whether they choose that path will ultimately be up to them. It's the luck of the draw--and that's with a kid that's had a good upbringing. The others, the thousands of parentless souls that basically raise themselves, or are raised by TV and teachers--it's a bloody miracle how well so many do, really.. . Parenting is a hard and, for the most part, thankless task that childless adults are all too willing to toss their two cents in about, when they've just never done it. You can't just parent by the book. That will never work and is unrealistic in real life. It's all give and take and a guessing game.. . I think I'll decide when my child is about 30 how well I've done. Until then, still a work in progress. (he's 14 now). And the rest of you out there, if you have kids, best of luck and God bless. If you don't, go raise a kid, then come back and give us your opinion. Grrrr....(one of those days.)
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It was prophesied many years ago in the bible.... . that in the last days many will be. . (Rom 1:30) ,slanderers, haters of God(Aethists), insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil (Pornography), disobedient to parents (YOUR ANSWER),
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
it's really easy for them to space out alot so they just get carried away with somthing elec while your yelling at them or telling them to do something, so there day dreaming.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
they's d adults who have trouble hearing ;p
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I think a lot of the problem is because schools are telling our children, if your parents hit you, call this number. They take it as if your parents spank you... and a lot of parents are scared by this.They don't want their children taken away. There are also a lot of people who think spanking or punishing their children is wrong. I say BS! If you spank out of love and consern for your children, OK. Unfortunately,there are people out there who take it to the extreme(beating them to a bloody pulp), and give it a bad name. Taking things away from them usually doesn't work , cause they know that they will get it back, and they will usually sneak and do it anyway. I know when I tried that,it was more of a punishment for me, than my kids. All they do is whine, I'm bored...My children listen (most of the time) because they know I mean business! I aways get compliments on how well behaved my children are, and I am very proud of it!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
they just wanna be their own let them be but don't let tem go too far
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
tv.......also because todays parents dont take the time to properly raise does...coaches do.... and most importantly TV does..
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
because todays parents are lazy.. they raised kids in day cares or infront of televisions..... so kids have no respect for their parents or adults because they were not good role models in the first place
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because parents are not teaching them right. . Bible does say spare the rod .. spoil the children.
by (4.4k points)