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+87 votes
Explain the difference between spirituality and religion
by (4.6k points)

16 Answers

+28 votes
Best answer
religion is man made. Spirituality is walking in the way that God would have us walk.. . Religion brings death. Spirituality brings life.
by (4.4k points)
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In my lifetime I had to come to grips with the following;. . I am a spiritual being.. Temporarily housed in a physical body.. This physical body is not eternal.. My spirit, as-it is given by God, is.. . I try to live in the Spirit and yes there are times I fail.. . To be religious there are certain man made doctrines and rules that I must follow in order to be a good Christian. A lot of these rules have to do with physical appearances not spiritual realities.. . Strange answer considering I'm a Preacher, isn't it??
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
This is my view - I'm a spiritual person, but I'm not religious, and here's why. I do not go to church, I do not believe in god, I do not believe in satan, I don't believe in Jeusus, or anything of that nature. But I do believe that we are existing beyond our physical realm. I also believe in many different religions, and hell, there are even some parts of christianity that I can agree with. Not all of them though, just some and therefore I'm certainly not a christian. I can say for sure that I believe in a sacredness of anything with a soul, be it beople, animals... everything that breathes has an importance to me on a very high level. Therefore, I'm spiritual, but not religious because I do not go to any church.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Religion = external, usually requires a belief in "god" (not all religions do), usually requires followers to adhere to some doctrines, dogma and rules that are already existing. . Spirituality = person makes their own belief system gleaning from various religions, spiritualities and philosophies of the world (if desired); their own "doctrines" if any, can believe in a "god" or not. Spirituality is more internal. Spirituality does not require or demand anything.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
I remember a doctor telling me to 'religiously' take my medicine. This makes me think that being religious means being very devoted to something.. To me, spiritual sounds more thoughtful, more introverted, seeking answers within yourself, or even with god, making the relationship with him more private and personal.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Religion is how you worship your god.. Spirituality is how you put your beliefs into practice.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Religion is from the mind of man (or woman) -- not the heart of God. God is only found by looking within and this inward gaze is a Spiritual gaze, and the only way to enlightenment.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
SPIRITUAL take place in the SPIRITMAN------------RELIGIOUS takes place in the SOUL (your supercomputer that hangs out with your brain).
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I would say that religious people believe in God or a "God Like" being whereas spiritual people believe that there is somethin else out there other than us humans but are maybe unsure what and dont necessarily believe in God.. . Thats just my thoughts anyway!
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Religion by deffinition means "demonstration of faith" therefore to be religious, you are demonstrative of your faith. Spirituality brings forth and is the mould for your faith. There are spiritual people who dont follow any organised religion, but demonstrate their faith their own way (thus follow their own religion) There are those who follow an organised religion but have no spirituality. They are those who really just go to church for show. Some people have more faith in the doctrines of man than in the God that created them. Some only demonstrate their spirituality through love and worship of their Creator.. Really both can go hand in hand or be sepperate from eachother.
by (4.0k points)